Donor flying whit armor in wild.


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This topic contains 24 replies, has 12 voices, and was last updated by  Wither 11 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #26572 Score: 0


    So your saying i can fly Pvp in wild? That doesent make sence

    #26573 Score: 0

    Aidan Nye
    12 pts

    Yes im saying you can but i must recommend you dont kill player’s or this may happen again and there may be a rule change you still cant do it over PVP hill tho

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 7 months ago by  Aidan Nye.
    #26575 Score: 0


    Actually, that’s not true Gra0067
    Here are the basics for Flying:
    You may not fly in areas like PvP Hill with armor.
    You may fly with armor in the normal Wilderness
    You may not fly anywhere while attacking someone else (called “Fly Pvp”)
    As long as you follow all the above rules, you’re ok. The first time you Fly PvP, you will be warned, not jailed or banned. The second time you Fly PvP, your Flying Perk will be removed.
    -TrialMod Omega

    #26577 Score: 0

    Aidan Nye
    12 pts

    And thats why the rules pages need’s to be re-done because its open to interpretation but i will take that im a wrong in this case (Most cases XD)
    Trial Mod Gra0067

    #26585 Score: 0


    Thx for your replays.I really appreciated. And i’m agree to remove his fly.

    -Whit Respect Hectito94

    #26628 Score: 0

    14 pts

    1. The reason why i had armor in the wild and flying was because we were trying to claim this town and protect it from invaders. I am allowed to have armor while flying and i was flying to see the town….

    2. AT FIRSt, (this incident) i only had a bow and no sword. Reason, i didn’;t have it in my enderchest and i was tellluing my friend GIVE ME an Arrow, which that was my only defense of attack.

    3. When u get killed by an arrows: It’s (player shot by (name)
    When u get slayed by a sword: It’s (player slashed by (name)

    In this case (hectori was burned in flames)

    4. After this incident, i got my god sword and then started coming back from all the way from mainland from my town. That, i didn’t fly and in logs there can be some incidents of me killing u. But in the beginng, i had only a bow and arrows.

    5. from Number 1., I was flying and didn’t notice that i had fly on… I realized that when i hold the shift button, i was going down and just realized that i had fly on.. On the other hand, i didn’t SHot u with the arrow in ur screenshot. It landed right in front of u.

    6. I was in a group of 4 people. Wither, ericxd88, buddercow, and Waffles10. we were all surrounding that area to protect the town and when u died, my friend ericxd88 was beihind u which he killed u. U can ask a mod to check the logs and prove that i didn’t kill u.

    I would like to fully hear from hectori that i didn’t unfaily pvped him in the wild or some other evidence…

    #26631 Score: 0

    ‎牧野 つくし


    #26633 Score: 0


    Wither killed me whit his flame bow…. I see only 1 guy whit him not 4 and he was too far to kill me.

    #26635 Score: 0

    -1 pt

    Wither you had a flame bow that explains why he burned to death. Yeah you did land and attempt to kill him further, but the fact that you drew on him in the air and attempted to kill him in the first place signals fly pvp. Even though you missed, you wanted to kill him during your flying time.

    #26637 Score: 0

    14 pts

    Again, When i tried to kill him, ( I KNOW IW ANTED TO KILL HIm), i held Shift the Button….. Then i saw my self dropping down and shot the ARROW in front of him… There was DIRECTLY a guy behind him… The otehr two were on the other side of the town exploring…

    I know, i did fly, but i didn’t kill him at all, (in these screenshots).

    Last thing: Attacked Image proves:

    We were on this hill side, I was Looking Straight at hectori, but ericxd88 was to the left (my direction). When i saw hectori died, he was going to the right….

    I counldn’t have hit him and make him go right, there was literally a guy in the back who hit him. Also, a GOD bow should 1 kit to a guy… Idk if my bow is a god bow but i can test…. Image to My Image i am trying to explain

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 7 months ago by  Wither.
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