Donor perks on prison!


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This topic contains 10 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  maxminoS 10 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #87316 Score: 0

    2 pts

    So its obvious that the populace wants more donor perks. At EC we try our best to make it as fun as possible. So if you could, post your ideas here on what could be added for donors! (Please only post reasonable things and nothing like “Buyable mod ranks, and free /op”)

    #87317 Score: 0

    2 pts


    #87319 Score: 0


    More items should be included in kits:Like shovels and some tools
    Money should be given to the people:Like 10k-Iron,Gold-25k ,keep on growing
    You can also allow us to BUY in game cash ,like 50k for $1

    #87327 Score: 0

    41 pts

    Well, the best perk is already implemented. That being /hat.

    Well, my only suggestion for Donor Perks is as follow:

    – Prestige/Platinum/Emerald could get an explosive (Stone possibly, since it’s got a lesser amount of uses than Diamond) pickaxe, eff1/unbr1, once per week maybe; Another feature could be an auto-smelting pickaxe. It could use the HotMetal craftable item as an ingredient, or even sub-ingredient (Make something out of the HotMetal, and that item is used in the recipe), and it’d obviously be a more expensive pickaxe than other pickaxes, as it’s auto-smelt.

    #87330 Score: 0


    Free op!

    #87342 Score: 0


    Just as there are donor mines, I would suggest implementing donor sell shops for each rank as well 😀
    With prices from 5% up to 20% more than the original prices in the Rank “X” sellshops :) This would really be helpful, and I hope you take this into consideration :)


    #87348 Score: 0

    12 pts

    Like 15spike@ said, I like that one. And I have told the mods this befor but I think they didn’t hear me well ^_^

    #87359 Score: 0

    2 pts

    The only problem with adding shops with increased sell prices for the donors is it would take alot of time to make all the sell signs. But i guess it wont really take all that much time compared to the amount of time ive spent on other things ._.

    #87411 Score: 0


    Umm Trollson, I could help you with the new prices :)
    I’m in Rank A, so I could help with the prices from D-A :))

    #87412 Score: 0


    Like perhaps putting all the. formats/prices. in a document and sending. via Skype XD

    #87415 Score: 0

    7 pts

    We want /deop so we can tease Admins+ ]:)

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