dr4gon1234's Prison Moderator Application


Home Forums Prison Mod Applications dr4gon1234's Prison Moderator Application

This topic contains 8 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  Xavier3479 10 years, 6 months ago.

Viewing 9 posts - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)
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  • #67944 Score: 0


    In Game Name Used: dr4gon1234, FireHelDemon( my brother), badguy123( my cousin)
    How often are you online:3 hours everyday, but now it’s summer so i can online 19/24 hours everyday.
    Experience: I played 3-4 prison servers and I played so much on it that I got to free without donating. I played On EC prison server so much so i know 90% all of the commands.
    Why You want to be a Mod: I believe should I have what it truly takes to become a Mod. As an experienced Mod , I know how to deal with players that are breaking the rules. I have great knowledge of all the commands and I never abuse my commands , even if I do get angry with players.If a player asks me for help, I wouldn’t ignore the player and continue pvping, I would quickly reply to his message and try to help him out as much as possible. If I can’t find the answer to the players question, I would be sure to message another moderator to help the player out. Also i want to make EC Prison server better because EC prison server is quite bored i think. I want to make it better by building stuff, make another things so people won’t get bored anymore.

    #67994 Score: 0


    Please vote! I really need it

    #67997 Score: 0


    Dont Ask For Votes on the webchat. If people think you deserve to be moderater then they will vote, if there unsure they wont vote

    #67998 Score: 0


    Add me on skype

    #68003 Score: 0


    Vote middle –> down….
    -Asking people to vote for you

    #68005 Score: 0


    Ok I’m sr I’m just little bit too exciting!

    #68006 Score: 0


    VOTE DOWN sorry your being too desperate, which is one of the rules in my mod add book of rules: no asking peeps to vote up for you

    #68035 Score: 0


    Being to assuming is not good for a Moderator
    You should always Be cool
    as you stated you wont get mad easily
    As I know we need
    Cool Headed Mods and Mods that can Wait for a long time or Patient
    Im Gonna do
    -1 vote down

    #77753 Score: 0


    Inactive. Denied.

Viewing 9 posts - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)

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