Drkunit's Second Ban Appeal..


Home Forums Survival Ban Appeal Drkunit's Second Ban Appeal..

This topic contains 26 replies, has 12 voices, and was last updated by  ButterNinja8 11 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #19870 Score: 0


    I’m banned for trickery somehow and just got done my 24 hour ban this is getting ridiculous because I’m getting banned for no reason now this is pure hatred towards me I did nothing wrong .


    #19871 Score: 0


    I vote up! Drk is a very good friend.

    #19872 Score: 0

    -1 pt

    Did nothing wrong? When i was afk, you decided to go alert the gold ore branch and lied to me saying that you were ‘stairwaying’ back to the surface then decided to go back down. I checked the times on the mined blocks and 2 of the blocks that formed the stairway was broken the day I was talking to you. First offence, xray; second, trying to fool me into thinking you was not xraying.

    #19873 Score: 0


    Someone who has x-ray wouldn’t come back and fight for their stuff back and you wouldn’t let me explain you just said “No case closed”

    #19874 Score: 0

    -1 pt

    Expain the rest of your ‘story’ then.

    #19875 Score: 0


    Its hard because I cant show you what I did but the basic of it was i broke 2 blocks because when you use a wood pickaxe you place a block then right click and when you said i mined a ore i would put cobble there then right click. And the staircase if you look there’s still a staircase under those blocks.

    #19938 Score: 0

    -1 pt

    This is from the mine: http://imgur.com/7QETWko,MAv7jNE#0

    The second picture is suppose to be first. You told me that you were stairwaying up. From the day that chu was mining (first picture, 4/12), it was flat, not a stair. The day I talked to you about this (second picture, 4/14), chu broke a block.

    #19939 Score: 0


    The proof shows i took on cobble which i did for the ores you told me i dug and this was a couple of days ago I cant be exact what we were doing there but it was not for the gold

    #19945 Score: 0

    -1 pt

    There was about 5-7 ore veins that chu happened to find by using a single path, if this isn’t xray, idk what is.

    #19953 Score: 0


    You said half of them didn’t even count because i dug a straight path for a while  and the rest i turned off and found something of value well you could call that luck.

    #19955 Score: 0


    Im not sure This might be stupid lol but Im pretty sure x-ray does not let you see any other ore except diamond and iron. So if he was x-raying I would love to know how he found gold while x-raying.

    #19959 Score: 0


    xray shows you all ores xxBearxx

    #19962 Score: 0

    F in the chat for Kobe
    4 pts

    Xray, as Pigsy said, shows all ores, or it can be used to find specific ores.

    #19990 Score: 0


    Just to point something out,I have been on the server since September and have not gotten into trouble ONCE until now,why now?

    #19992 Score: 0

    -1 pt

    That’s a you question, also I did not say that  was I disregarding half of the ores, only that 1 emerald.

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