DuhMajesticMist's Mod Application.


Home Forums Prison Mod Applications DuhMajesticMist's Mod Application.

This topic contains 17 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  Artoriel 9 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #113904 Score: 0


    In-game names used: DuhMajesticMist ; DuhMajesticAlt

    How Old are you: 14

    In what country do you live in, and what is your timezone?: Mexico UTC-5:00 , 12:10 A.M (ATM)

    How long have you played Minecraft?: 2 and a half years.

    Do you have any previous experience in Moderating?: Yes, I have been Moderator/Helper In Multiple servers, Moderator In a server with 100+ People, Helper as In Moderating/Building/Helping. I also know how to speak very well Spanish and English. So yes, I have experience in Moderating.

    (Did I)Do you ever get punished in EternalCraft before?: I have been Banned in factions for exploiting a Bug without reporting it, About 2-5 Months back, I’ve learned from my mistakes to Report Whichever Bug I encounter And not abusing it.

    The Server you are applying for: Prison

    How Often are you Online in Prison: I am online 3-7 Hours daily (Sometimes can’t get online **Rarely**).

    Why do you want to become a Moderator?: I want to become a moderator because I want to help out anyone that ask’s About Crackshots/Commands/Warps etc. Anyone whom Is disrespecting, Using excessive language or spamming In-Chat Will be warned If I’m available. Another reason why I want to become a moderator is beacause I have time on my hands to Moderate, Which not many Mod’s have much time. And I love helping out players that need it, Especially Spanish speaking people, Since they don’t understand what’s going on in the server, I’ll be there to translate/help them! Thank you for your time! 😀

    #113921 Score: 0

    41 pts

    I know you’re well-experienced, but that’s about it.
    Since the only point of my vote is a positive, I guess that’s what my vote will be.
    Vote up – Good luck.

    #113925 Score: 0

    1 pt

    Vote middle up
    -fairly disrespectful (at times)
    -sometimes swears
    -not much reports
    +starting to get active
    +active on forums
    +old player
    +fairly helpful
    That’s all for now

    #113928 Score: 0

    20 pts

    Vote Up


    +Active ingame

    +Active in forums




    +Has improved is responsibility


    -You used to be a bad player, but I think you’ve moved on from that.

    #113938 Score: 0


    Again another app, alright sure

    Vote Rating: 87.8%

    Reasons, all stated above

    #114058 Score: 0



    #114200 Score: 0


    Bump :D, Guys I will probably be semi afk these few day’s Because I am looking for a new computer, And I will end up selling this one too. Thanks!

    #114419 Score: 0


    Bumping for the Applicant.

    #114638 Score: 0


    Another Bump

    #115302 Score: 0


    Yet another bump

    #115306 Score: 0


    Vote Middle UP:

    +You have a nice name
    +You want to help people
    +You made a great mod app
    +You named the spanish speakers :3 (that isn’t usually)

    -I don’t know you xD

    I hope to meet you in Eternal as a mod one of those days :3

    #115309 Score: 0

    20 pts

    @Guayaquil, showing appreciation for a player’s name is a good thing, but that’s not really a reason to vote up. Have a good day/night! 😀

    #115310 Score: 0


    I know, I know xD
    I just wanted to make the positive’s list a few bigger

    That sounds sad :/

    Have a good day/night too Ander :3

    #116821 Score: 0



    Reminder: Catch SGDQ 2015 now @ https://gamesdonequick.com/ Current and Last Game is Chrono Trigger.

    #117352 Score: 0


    Bump again

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