[Dungeons] Feedback


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This topic contains 7 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  BlueGamer007 9 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #120899 Score: 0

    14 pts

    Our first beta dungeon was released and was nerfed over 20 + times.

    Boss’s Health, weapon damage, mobs that surround the path, and loads of other components were tweaked over time.


    First, I want everyone’s feedback about our current dungeon and also any suggestions you have. Be creative, and anything might be possible.

    2nd, I want to know what other types of dungeon you would want. Some of our ideas were nether dungeon or the end dungeon :)

    #120910 Score: 0

    1 pt

    dungeon? wat dunngen?

    #120911 Score: 0

    14 pts

    We released them on Factions!

    Do /warp dungeon to go there, but remember that there is pvp.


    (Rewards include a special Crown that is obtainable only by killing the boss)

    #120932 Score: 0


    I like the way the drop (Crown) was done, I’d love to see more special armour (and hopefully some weapons 😉 ) Its things like this that make factions even more special.

    It would also be cool if there were more floors to the dungeon.However only assessable if you had beaten the previous boss, all “Sword Art Online” style.

    #120934 Score: 0

    14 pts

    What’s SAO?

    I don’t watch anime sorrryyy

    #120936 Score: 0


    I wonder if u can some hostial iron golem there and some wolfs? By the way,add a mini boss(just a skeleton with iron armor and a diamond sword)when killed,it drops armores and weapon.Hope u accept:)

    #120977 Score: 0


    1: make boss harder to kill
    2: it does a lot of dmg and breaks my armour cen that be fixed?
    3:every time you kill it you can mebe get 5-10k?? Pls
    Thank you

    #120979 Score: 0


    Vote up for choice number3,since the boss health is high and does a lot damage with armor,pls add more reward money to that(those money=time to repair)

Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)

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