EC, is back up. :D


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This topic contains 9 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  AnderZENZ 9 years, 12 months ago.

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  • #97821 Score: 0

    12 pts

    Well it’s been about 4days? Or so and now the server, is back up. But not back up on it’s feet.
    Some things are not fully done yet. Like Prison, is not done. Nor Mg is done yet.
    But, I see that the Faction players will not get there / some of there loot back sadly.

    Prison, Plots umm.. @ZeeKingEpic, said he’ll try and get it back working once again. But he’s not 100% sure!
    Prison, ranks and money, should be there still if not just make a atopic about on the forums.

    Sv, nothing much there. But just that rollback of 2weeks so what ever you lost make a topic for the mods to fix it.

    Cr, if any Cr player lost there plot then make a topic like I said before.

    Mg, will be redone as from what I hear.

    Sorry if I sounds like a mod xD I’m just trying to help and let the EC players know that the server, is back up and wut the news is.

    #97822 Score: 0


    I would loooove a higher mod to confirm the “Make a post on the forums” part. This seems excessive to do, to much forum spam. I would think to add a higher mod on skype if anything would be better…

    #97825 Score: 0

    1 pt

    Yeah, you do sound like a mod, try refraining from that.

    Thank you anyway for trying to help out the EC community, you’re doing it a great favor!

    #97826 Score: 0

    1 pt

    Considering we have loaded two week old backups, it is normal that some things were lost during the process. Sadly, even though you could try and contact a moderator of the respective server to refund/replace something that has been lost, but I doubt that you will 100% get it back as to lack of proof if you did have that item or not. If you have proof, a screenshot or something, perfect.

    So yeah, EC is back up and we would like to thank you all for waiting for 4 days simply for the server to get back up.


    #97827 Score: 0

    1 pt

    I wanna piss of that stupid admin ._. idc who it is, it ruined my EC life :c

    #97832 Score: 0

    12 pts

    No prob guys, BornCorp, really told me to do this so ye :)

    #97843 Score: 0

    20 pts

    Leave dat cute pic alone 😛 ^

    #97845 Score: 0

    2 pts

    Why would he have you do it when he could put it on home page? Just doesn’t make sense

    #97849 Score: 0

    12 pts

    ” no problem. Now its your guys turn to help. Spread the word around and tell people we got the server back and running. ” That’s what BornCorp said.

    I’m just helping by spreading the word out that the server, is back up. :)

    #97852 Score: 0

    20 pts

    I went on and there were 8 people lel

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