EC Staff Request


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This topic contains 5 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  hi 12 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #6034 Score: 0


    hey guys its lawrenceshane and i would like to ask borncorp if people who create a modd app and wat not get like lets say 6 votes then heads without testing lets them be like a l-mod which is like a runner ip rank where ur not even mod but you are like in consideration so for EX. NHU  would be  R-NHU and she would get all expert commands for 10 days and then the head-expert-guardians  can see how she does for ten days and if satff think she dident abuse them or use them for evil head staff can test them for expertmod you know what i mean so like before u promote someone i let them be a runner up so its like a mod test to see if they would do good with mod perms Borncorp cause their r staff now that were wonderful players but then when they got promoted  they become a dick i wont  name anyone but yea what do you guys think

    #6041 Score: 0


    Can you say that again, but with commas and periods?


    Not sure what you’re saying….

    • This reply was modified 12 years, 6 months ago by  danielxing.
    #6051 Score: 0


    whats the point of head mods promoting all of you, if they dont trust you enough and you need to be given a 10-day trial to see how it goes

    #6053 Score: 0


    well, applicants, are considered by standing out being active on forums, following server rules. BUT people are being disqualified for reasons as People messaging me everyday, i get aprox 20 of these, “Can You Vote for me please ill be a really good mod, and make born and this server proud” or in main chat “Vote For Me Everyone (link)


    P.S:You CANNOT buy the expert rank (for those 10 people who ask how much for expert)


    #6064 Score: 0


    lawl daniel ikr

    #6260 Score: 0


    Bad idea. Then, everyone would become an ExpertMod. The system right now is working and should stay that way

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)

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