Ec survival needs more head mods


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This topic contains 6 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  alejandro 11 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #20727 Score: 0


    the reason I created this topic is because there needs to be more head mods ( and yes ik the process) so that.  Leads to more Mods ranking up more so that’s why we need more head mods because they areRARE!!!!!!!!!!!

    #20738 Score: 0


    I would be happy to apply for headmod

    #20739 Score: 0


    Jasomo It goes more like this Trialmod>Expertmod>Guardianmod>Headmod

    #20740 Score: 0


    I know I but I could start a trial mod and move up, see mod application


    #20751 Score: 0

    3 pts

    One cannot just ‘get’ Headmod, Borncorp has to trust that person with the server, and hopes that they don’t mess everything up, and you should feel the same; I am sure you wouldn’t let anyone have access to your account, they have to prove their loyalty first

    #20759 Score: 0

    23 pts

    Yeah, in order to get headmod on EC Survival not only the mod on has to have put their sweat, blood, tears, time and hunger into the server, but the mod has to have experience managing server files which are highly sensitive and one screw up could have a massive impact. Also, we have some mods in trial and once they are done we might add more

    #20764 Score: 0


    well i just want to be a trial-mod because i have been trying my best to be nice to people and helping them out. I really want to be trail-mod because i really do care about this server it is one of servers i love.

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)

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