EC teamspeak


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This topic contains 13 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by  Bongo 10 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #66475 Score: 0


    hello everyone sorry you guy havent heard from me in a while i have bin playing a childhood game(fable) and im just loving it nothing but it xD.
    enyway i think EC comunity should get team speak so everyone can social even more.i think it would be a reall nice way to know more people 😀 and it will be reall fun ^_^ so if you guys do agree with me vote up 😀 if you dont then its ok tell me why you dont think so >3 good day/night

    • This topic was modified 10 years, 10 months ago by  VESL15.
    #66482 Score: 0

    14 pts

    Vote up, but don’t a team speak server cost money?

    Teamspeak can be easily connected and even better than skype

    #66483 Score: 0


    Meh team speak is nice and all but I prefer skype since you can actually choose who you want to call. 😛

    #66484 Score: 0

    14 pts

    Vsub has private friend .com

    #66485 Score: 0


    tru but some people cant get skype(memory problems,system,and stuff) and plus team speak uses less ram for better game play in EC

    #66486 Score: 0


    but still ima try to make a server for EC team speak :3

    #66488 Score: 0

    41 pts

    Would be a pretty cool idea, you’d get to communicate easier with people that you may otherwise not think to communicate with.
    Ventrilo is another option, however, with Ventrilo there is:
    – Create certain ‘channels’ (Such as Mod Group (Private), General (Public), Language possibly? (Public?))
    – Set admins (Can mute/kick/ban people who spam/make unnecessarily loud noises over voice-chat, etc…)
    – Can use a sort of IRC, if voice-chats aren’t your ‘cup of tea’

    *Quoted directly from the Ventrilo website*
    Ventrilo is comprised of two primary Components: The Client that every end user will need to download, and the Server. Only one person needs to host a Server that all of the other Clients will connect to. Ventrilo is supported on different platforms as well ranging from Microsoft Windows to Apple Macintosh and Linux.

    I do like the idea of a Public EC group, where we can all talk/communicate, as Skype has a limit to group calls, so we couldn’t all just start a call on Skype.

    I know of Teamspeak being a popular choice with Minecraft, there’s Ventrilo (As mentioned, as I know more about it than I do of others), there’s Mumble (As with Teamspeak, you have to pay for a host/client), and obviously many more choices, each with their own advantages/disadvantages, special features/capabilities.

    #66494 Score: 0

    23 pts

    I can do it, but I have never used teamspeak and I dont know how to configure it. I just know how to get the server installed.

    #66499 Score: 0

    I’ll be looking forward to it, Born 😀

    #66500 Score: 0

    1 pt

    I Had Offered A Teamspeak Server before. it can be a good idea. But it can also be horrible. Admins will be poked 24/7.. People will spam + its just extra money to something alot of the younger community wont access. Here is the thread I MAde About one A few months Ago.


    #66506 Score: 0

    3 pts

    The teamspeak is a good idea, yeah, but will a lot of players use it? I don’t think so :/

    ~Drinking Dino {DD}

    #66507 Score: 0

    1 pt

    Do you make up new things for that DD thing dice? I swear its different everytime.

    #66513 Score: 0


    dicedead thats why leave leave a link to donwload it in the server and on the webpage and its theres choice if they whant to join the groupp call or not

    #66819 Score: 0


    Not sure if this is a great idea, for the people who want to actually voicechat it is but im sure you will have people that will troll on it. Besides that it also costs money to keep a TS server up and the amount of slots.

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