Ehcabarete is lucky I believe in second chances. (Ban appeal for ehcabarete)


Home Forums Creative Ban Appeal Ehcabarete is lucky I believe in second chances. (Ban appeal for ehcabarete)

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  xZero_Strike 10 years ago.

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  • #96162 Score: 0

    20 pts

    So, earlier, ehcabarete went hog wild and started griefing my plot in creative, luckily I stopped it before it got crazy, well now he feels regretful, I got this info on skype from him:

    In-Game name (With right caps): ehcabarete

    When you were banned: Around 10-20 mins ago

    Where you are banned: Creative

    Why you were banned: Griefing

    Who banned you: xZero_Strike

    Why you should be unbanned(ehcabarete’s own words): “I feel like a (censored)head and I am sorry for what I did to Ander, if I get unbanned I will not pull any more (also censored) like this again.

    #96164 Score: 0


    Sounds like he did all that out of rage and anger…should’ve thought before acting. You should know the consequences and I never heard of anyone getting unbanned like half an hour after a ban. And ander why you report for him? xD

    #96166 Score: 0

    20 pts

    Title says it m8, I believe in second chances.

    #96171 Score: 0

    1 pt

    Will be unbanned since first offense.
    Tell him he can login again after 24 hours.


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