Ehide3 has pvp hax/frailnate flying in warp ph


Home Forums Survival General discussion Ehide3 has pvp hax/frailnate flying in warp ph

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  takoballball 10 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #67026 Score: 0


    i saw him flying in warp ph but not really fly as in fly so that he wont be caught after that , when i said he has fly hax he stopped his fly and he fell to the ground , its not lag because it was not lagging and u know that hackers dont show their hax much so that they wont get caught.
    also frailnate flying in warp ph , 3 people caught screens ( fedfed234, me , and still) u can ask them too

    #67027 Score: 0


    He was using kill aura for sure

    #67028 Score: 0


    Since they were above ground like half block or 1 block cant really tell much. So from this, nothing can be done i think. Also, by saying you aren’t lagging isnt a strong evidence.

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