Einow Mod app


This topic contains 16 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  Beijimon 9 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #103039 Score: 0


    My user in minecraft is: elfan123 I’m on this server conosco 4 months ago and I hablabo with admins and moderators.
    I can lend my support when needed, I speak Spanish and English so here I can help people who speak both languages.

    My fun playing on this server and I get along very well with all the hacker distinguish the qeu have good ping I help friends who do not know much have very productive ideas to help the server and other things …

    The area where the game is more minigames Sign me almost every day.

    I want to be mod because I like helping people and am very active and I feel I can help the server thanks. :)

    #103040 Score: 0


    My user in minecraft is: the fan 123 I’m on this server I´m here 4 months ago and I hablabo with admins and moderators.
    I can lend my support when needed, I speak Spanish and English so here I can help people who speak both languages.
    My fun playing on this server and I get along very well with all the hacker distinguish the qeu have good ping I help friends who do not know much have very productive ideas to help the server and other things …
    The area where the game is more minigames Sign me almost every day
    I want to be mod because I like helping people and am very active and I feel I can help the server thanks. :)

    Sorry for the fails

    #103041 Score: 0

    20 pts

    Vote Down

    -You seriously tried making Einow ANOTHER mod application?

    -Never seen you in-game or in forums

    -Mod app is crap, I’ll bet this reply will be longer than the app

    -Your other mod app JUST got denied, you can’t make another one for 1 month.. not 10 minutes

    -Got nothing else to go off of since I never see you.

    #103043 Score: 0

    12 pts

    Vote down sorry. :/
    -Inactive on the forums
    -Inactive in game
    -New to the forums
    -Just made a mod apply. But failed sadly.
    -Need to know more

    #103048 Score: 0


    i no inactive in the game i registrate today in the forums

    #103061 Score: 0

    Einow 
    1 pt

    Please change that name is my name, because you use my name?

    #103066 Score: 0


    Einow,no matter what,this mod app will be locked!Trust me

    #103091 Score: 0

    20 pts

    Elfan it’s pretty obvious to me you used google translate, a couple spanish words Google translate doesn’t register.

    #103123 Score: 0


    Yes i used the translator because i dont nos all the words but i connect on minigames but is probable you connect diferent hours that i
    Ask to beijimon de are a good friends .

    I only want help the server and the persons
    And help the persona das play here

    #103124 Score: 0



    #103125 Score: 0


    I no perfect .-.

    #103126 Score: 0


    i hope you understand

    #103132 Score: 0


    lel i laughed so hard xD

    #103137 Score: 0


    Worst mod app ever,obviously it’s a vote down from my side…

    You copied the line “I bet my reply will be longer than this mod app” that WitherplayMC wrote in your mod app xD

    PS: Something that always intrigues me.
    English is an international language and for some reason,most spanish players don’t even know the “abc” of english…I want to know why :33

    #114618 Score: 0



    O.O so long and no Verdict yet?!?!?!

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