Empty Plots


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This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  dragonsavoir 11 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #18827 Score: 0


    Its really stupid and wasteful of land when people get free 16×16 plots and they do nothing to it. Imagine if you are filming (I have) and you want to show everyone how good looking the is server is and then you come across loads of plain plots. Getting a plot and do nothing to it is like getting diamond armour and not wearing it. Its just ****ed up!


    ps: Sorry for swearing at the end. I was quite mad

    #18830 Score: 0


    you don’t preplan your routes for videos?

    Maybe the empty plot was like mine I leave mine empty so that if anyone need to know how to  do something i can show them how.


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