Enchantment TABLES !! In prison Parkour..


Home Forums Prison Off Topic Enchantment TABLES !! In prison Parkour..

This topic contains 5 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  Xavier3479 10 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #80501 Score: 0


    IGN: own7ge
    Off Topic
    Tryig to give some ideas here and there;)

    So everyone in Prison wants enchants,enchants,enchnats, from an enchantment table. Well i got some ideas that Xavier3479,trollson,darkknightz17,jttt3, and other reapectul Mods in prison. I will give you my reasons below/things you can make :))

    -1 So everyone wants enchants and people keep nagging so I thought about creatig a topic for it.
    -2 I honestly agree enchanment tables should be removed in prison .. But maybe you can put enchantment tables for every rank not for spacific ranks :))
    -3 So maybe in the /warp pvp OP shop parkour you can make a two way dorection so ever1ne will he bappy
    -4 One of the directions will lead to an enchantment table I suggest making the way harder than reaching the OP shop.
    -5 This will make it challenging for players and many people will be attracted to this thing.
    -6 Maybe you can make some traps on the way there so it will be un and for people to retry.
    -7 Make it a pvp area there it will be fun.

    Thumbs up if you would like such thing
    Thumbs down if you wont like such thing

    —- Explain your reason for choosing one of both choices ..

    P.S: This is the first topic I ever make so dont reply harshly I appreciate your time to read this :)).

    #80502 Score: 0


    Yeah true they should add enchantment tables back but like xavier said ”what is the point if having a sword when MoDs are here?” Well in my response you need 3+mil just to have permission to use it and this prison is Hardcored prison so yeah

    #80503 Score: 0


    MoDs are not indestructable .. You have cures for them .. But when u PVP a player face to face he cant cure himself from a 1 v 1 with OP swords :)

    #80506 Score: 0

    20 pts

    Thumbs up let’s see what the mods think :D!

    #80567 Score: 0


    Ok Guys look
    In my opinion Enchanting tables wont come back
    because You guys have a new Prison System
    You can craft enchanted stuff / you can get your rank’s armor /rankaarmor ( EXAMPLE)
    You can craft Cool stuff better than an OP sword
    like MoDs
    Guys if you know how to use this stuff VERY GOOD
    YOu wont need any enchanting tables
    You get my point ?
    Anyway Ty for your Suggestion IF the higher mods Agreed it ll be added

    ~GuardianMod ZeeKingEpic

    #80571 Score: 0


    Wont be added. Will ruin the current system. Sorry.

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