Ender Dragon Dies Giving No Xp


Home Forums Survival Bug/Glitch Report Ender Dragon Dies Giving No Xp

This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  SPNKissGFX 11 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #29439 Score: 0


    Okay Im here to report a probem where the Ender Dragon Dies only dropping the egg and giving no xp. I know many people have faced this problem and it is annoying. I have 2 screenshots showing the dragon dieing but I still have no xp. This is not a bug but I have found that it can be fixed in the EnderSpawn config file. What basically happens is the player that kills the dragon must be within a certain radius of the dragon other wise no one gets xp. The default radius is 30 blocks but most of the time the dragon is much farther away causing no one to get xp. If you go to the bukkit page for this plugin listed below under features it states “Sets a distance from the enderdragon within which players will earn the full amount of experience (Calculated in 3D, all players within sphere earn full normal Ender Dragon exp, which takes them from level 0 to level 105)”. A simple change to config line should be able to change the radius from 30 to something much higher so that everyone will get xp when the dragon dies. If you have and comments, questions or concerns please feel free to share and also if this has happened to please feel free to comments so it doesn’t look like I am making this up.


    Plugin Page:


    #29440 Score: 0


    Also there is another spot in the config file to change the maximum amount of xp you can get. I wrote this just in case someone was worrying about people getting up to 103 xp depending on how close you are cause 103 xp is way to op. I think the standard 73 levels is fine. Also again if you have any comments, questions or concerns feel free to ask.

    #29441 Score: 0


    Changed this to a distance of 64 blocks due to several complaints. If the problem persists, please let me know.

    #29442 Score: 0


    Thanks Chibichuba. I’ll let you know if this happends again. And also that was fast.

    #29455 Score: 0


    Yeah,That Is The Bad Problem Of Ender Dragon Spawn It Is Also Gives In 1 Player Only Then You Will Got 70+ Xps

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