English Main Chat Only


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This topic contains 23 replies, has 14 voices, and was last updated by  bleh 11 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #45958 Score: 0


    I vote for other languages (spanish) to be allowed in the main chat

    I do agree that we need a spanish speaking moderater to keep control in the spanish speaking people

    There are some people that do speak spanish and are expire ces with the server commands and rules (Me & Skipper)


    #45960 Score: 0


    majicjack2434 and skipper are you attempting to get moderator just beacause your good at speaking spanish? If thats why your voting up to allow it in mainchat then thats really not a good reason..

    I do respect everyones opinions its just its really looking like they REALLY want moderator just for that one reason.

    #45963 Score: 0

    5 pts

    There are few problems. They claim that they can’t speak english at all. Then how its possible to them know about rules and announcements. For example about the sponge thing.
    It doesn’t require much knowledge about English grammar or words to be able to communicate in English. And like everyone else, if you want to chat with your friends use ./msg When I started on EC almost 2years ago my English was far from good. You can learn so much by just talking on chat with other players.
    Also its fair to all other players and mods. We can’t know if other player insults other. Its also really hard to solve luring/scamming case if all proof is in Spanish. Yes google translate doesn’t help always.
    Many times chat feels so spammed when its filled with Spanish.
    In my opinion we should keep the old rule. If we would all languages in main chat it would require mods to talk all the possible languages which is impossible. And vise versa I can’t moderate server by just using Finnish.
    Note: This isn’t the server’s official view. This is only what I think.

    #45968 Score: 0

    7 pts

    This rule has been enforced before, and people speaking other languages were fine before.

    #45970 Score: 0


    im a spanish speaker and i also kinda dont like people when they speak spanish because its kinda annyoing even if i do speak spanish. i likes it better when people speaked only english its easier for everyone that way.

    #45971 Score: 0

    7 pts

    P.S: Habla, google Translate works, I tried using it but for private msg solving a “luring” case, but he was actually just saying that someone cleared his inventory and then he got killed…

    #46044 Score: 0

    1 pt

    No. I’m not saying that I want to be a moderator just because I’m spanish. I want to be a moderator for many reasons for example to expand the mod team. But taking the advantage that I’m Spanish maybe I could help a little more controlling Spanish in the main chat. If you enforce this rule in creative then the server is over because the mayority of people there speak Spanish.


    #46048 Score: 0


    Currently skipper, u are taking advantage of this post which u created. U have been emphasizing that understand spanish. If thats the case, wouldn’t everyone who speaks spanish haev a chance to be a mod? U didnt have make it like a mod application here.

    #46065 Score: 0


    My concern isn’t really that they are requiring people to speak English. The server has always been an English server, mods just never enforce the rule. What confuses me is that some people speak spanish/a foreign language because they don’t feel comfortable enough to speak english or they cnnot speak it. So shouldn’t the announcement be in spanish? Idk its just something I found confusing.

Viewing 9 posts - 16 through 24 (of 24 total)

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