enkyridien Ban Appeal


Home Forums Survival Ban Appeal enkyridien Ban Appeal

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  diamondzXX 12 years ago.

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  • #16388 Score: 0


    Please un-ban enkyridien i have a very good reason of why she should be un-banned
    She was banned because she was  telling a couple of friends the ip for another server
    but i know that she did it while not knowing that there was a rule  in place against advertisements please unban her it would really make her happy and i promise she wont do it again.

    #16390 Score: 0


    As i am the mod who knows most of the information about this ban i would just like to say i agree with her unban. enkyridien Placed signs in her house saying to join another server in my town. Her assistant grief i got all the items back from and it also wasnt very severe, Merely a few pistons and my bed. While yes i admit enkyridien is a friend of mine, i would still like her to be unbanned however i will not let this affect my work as a moderator. passing this on to the headmods now.


    #16391 Score: 0


    thanks pigs :)


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