EternalCracked Commands(General and Towny)
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This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Chibichuba 13 years ago.
Down below are commands used ingame(Towny and General)
/help – On EternalCracked, there is 3 pages of available commands listed. To access the other pages just type /help {pagenumber}
/bal – This command tells you the amount of money you have on the server. You can also view other peoples balances by using /bal {TheUsersInGameName}. Also check the people who have most money by using /baltop
/afk – If you want to tell people that you are not on your keyboard use this command
/clearinventory – Warning this command will clear your inventory
/sethome – This command is used to set your home
/home – Use /home to teleport to your home that you have set.
/ignore {User} – Use this if you want to ignore someone on the server
/kit tools – If you are new, use this command it will spawn you a stone pick, 10 torches, and 1 bread
/mail – If you want to talk to someone who is offline at the moment on the server just use this command to send them a mail and hopefully they will send one back to you (Its like penpals)
/msg –
ServerOwner BornCorp-How does everyone know about our location of our base
ExpertMod And-Kos-I told you through general chat
ServerOwner BornCorp-Dangit why didn’t you use /msg to tell me the coordianates
Cheater DeezNuts-Thank You for the Coordinates HEHEHEHE
-Short Skit on Private Messaging By FunnyBone156
/tpa {User} – Do you want to go to your friend but don’t know where he is well use this command to tp to him or tell your friend to do /tpahere and all you have to type in is /tpaccept and you are next to him
/suicide – Low on food and health just use this command to kill yourself and respawn
/sell hand(Note have the item you want sold in your hand) – Do you want to make some $$$$$ you can sell Harvest Foods such as Pumpkins
/worth – To see how much the item you want sold is estimated to be sold for(Only Harvest Foods can be sold)
/tptoggle – Lets people be able to send you a teleport request if its toggled if not the User will not be able to send you a teleport request
LWC Commands(Locking your chests)
/cprivate – Create a private protection, that only you and players and/or groups you specify. Example: /cprivate FearFree g:Trusted Member would give you, FearFree, and everyone in the group Trusted Member access.
/cpassword <password> – Creates a password passed protection. Anyone with the password will be able to access. Example: /cpassword supersecret sets the password to “supersecret”.
/cpublic – Create a public proctection anyone can use, but no one can protect themselves.
/cunlock – Used to unlock a password-protected protection when you are prompted to upon interacting with it. Example: /cunlock supersecret
/cinfo- Shows information on a protection including who owns it and when it was created.
/cremove – Remove a protection from the LWC database.
/cmodify – Used to modify an existing private protection. Example: /cmodify -FearFree would remove FearFree from having access. /cmodify -g:Trusted Member would removed the group Trusted Member from haveing access.
/climits – Shows you how many protections you have protected and what your protection limit is.
And the most lifesaving command /Spawn – Brings you to the Servers Spawn
EasyEnchant Commands
- /ee
- /ee list
- /ee combos
- /ee comboinfo (combo)
- /ee combo (combo)
- /ee (enchantment) (level)
- /ee cost (enchantment) (level)
- Click on an enchantment table
- Use /ee (or /easyenchant or /enchant) to bring up a list of help commands
- Use /ee (enchantment) (level)
- If it passes all the checks (ie. level <= maxlevel, (playerLevel – cost) >= 0, etc) the item is enchanted and the player looses the amount of levels.
- When finished click on the table again or walk away from the table
Commands For The PVP Arena And Mob Arena
Mob Arena Commands
/ma join – Joins the Mob Arena
/ma spectate – Spectates the Mob Arena
/ma leave – Leaves the Mob Arena
/ma notready – Displays players who have not yet hit the block
/ma arenas – Displays the online Mob ArenasPvP Arena Commands
/pa join – Joins the PvP Arena, or specified PvP Team
/pa leave – Leaves the PvP Arena
/pa watch – Watches a PvP Battle
/pa bet 4x bet for the winning player, 2x for the winning teamTowny Commands
Starting up a new Town
/towny prices – View town pricing
/town new <town-name> – Create a town named…
/tt new <town-name> – Short form to create a town named…
/town set name [town-name] – Change town name
/town – Town stats
/tt – Short form for Town stats/town add <playername> – Add a particular resident
/town deposit/withdraw <amount> – Deposit or withdraw money into the town bank/town claim – Claim an addition town block
/town unclaim – Unclaim a town block
/towny map – Map of the town/resident set mode map – Pops the map up in chat when walking between blocks
/resident set mode reset – Turn off map popping up in chatTaxes
/town set taxes [amount] – Sets the daily tax owed by residents
Assigning Town Permissions
/town set perm [resident/ally/outsider] [on/off] – Set town permissions
/town set perm [resident/ally/outsider] [build/destroy/switch] [on/off] – Set town permissions
/town set perm [on/off] – Set overall town permissions
/town set mayor [resident-name] – Transfer Mayor status to another player
/town assistant [add/remove] [resident-name] – Set up/Remove an assistant to the Mayor/town set board [message] – This is displayed user players when they view your town details
/town set homeblock – This moves the central home block. This may be useful in wartime.
/town kick [playername] – To remove a resident from a town
/town delete [town-name] – Delete a town
/town withdraw/deposit [amount] – Withdraw or deposit money from the town’s bank account
Towny Chat Channel CommandsQuick Commands:
/tc <message> – Chat with other residents of your town
/nc <message> – Chat with other members of your nationChannel Commands
/resident set mode tc – Town chat mode
/resident set mode nc – Nation chat mode
/resident set mode reset – Switch out of Town/Nation chat modeThe Towny and Nation commands came from RawCritics
I really hope this helps
Umm, why are there 2?
I made My general ones first sooo
I can tell it was copy and pasted. My post was made on the 20th, and came before yours. Born can clarify this.
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