Eternalcraft custom map? I need your help!
This topic contains 20 replies, has 13 voices, and was last updated by AnderZENZ 9 years, 11 months ago.
So, I just came up with an idea and am working on it right at this moment: I am making a custom map for Eternalcraft. Just like a singleplayer map where you have to complete the monument. The basic idea is that I will take everyone who is on the Wall of Fame, and research them, and make a seperate level for each one.
Example: Nhu’s level could be “Cookie’s Adventure” or Skills’ could be “Mob Arena expert” etc etc.
Now, I cannot pull this off myself. I need builders and people who can do complicated commands in 1.8, and such.
How to apply to help: Contact me on skype, and if I think you could help, I’ll add you to the chat. So far, I’ve asked Jellyman45 and WitherPlayMC for help, but even if they both say yes, I still need a lot of help. Jellyman made a frickin bazooka or something with 1.8 (also really good builder), and wither has a heck of a ton of command experience.
Anyways, I think if this project gets complete, it could be AWESOME for the community. I’ve wanted to do this since mid-Summer, but I haven’t had the time to load up singleplayer and plan it. So far, I have 4 intersections, which are ready to become levels.
The reward in this is not money from me, or items from me, but the reward of making the community happy.
If you are willing to help, thanks, if not, I hope you enjoy playing it
~Commander AnderZ
Ander i would love to help test the things 😀
I like contributing and I do enjoy making maps.
But I got no Skype unfortunately.
Here is the most complicated command ever made, took me a while to code it.
/summon Spider ~ ~1 ~ {Equipment:[{Count:1,id:iron_sword,tag:{display:{Name:”Fire Fang”,Lore:[Burns your enemies]},ench:[{id:20,lvl:3},{id:16,lvl:2}]}},{Count:1,id:enchanted_book,tag:{display:{Name:”Super Book”,Lore:[To enchant on something]},ench:[{id:35,lvl:1},{id:16,lvl:3},{id:1,lvl:4}]}},{Count:3,id:web,tag:{display:{Name:”Spider Web”,Lore:[To be placed to slow enemies down]}}},{Count:2,id:spawn_egg,Damage:52,tag:{display:{Name:”Spider Egg”,Lore:[For extra XP]}}},{Count:1,id:potion,Damage:8260,tag:{display:{Name:”Spider Blood”,Lore:[The effect hurts, but worth to drink]},CustomPotionEffects:[{Id:5,Amplifier:10,Duration:600},{Id:19,Amplifier:5,Duration:300}]}}],DropChances:[1.0F,1.0F,1.0F,1.0F,1.0F],CustomName:”Fire Spider”,CustomNameVisible:1,ActiveEffects:[{Id:12,Amplifier:1,Duration:10000,Ambient:0}]}
What it does:
– Summons a Spider 1 block above the command block
– Spider is named “Fire Spider”
– Has Fire Resistance 2 for 500 seconds with particles visibleDrops:
– Vanilla: String and Spider Eye
– Damaged Iron Sword named “Fire Fang”, with Sharpness 2, Fire Aspect 3, with lore “Burns your enemies”, with 100% drop chance.
– 3 Cobwebs named “Spider Web”, with the lore “to be placed to slow enemies down”.
– A potion named “Spider blood” with potion effects Strength 10 for 30 seconds and Poison 5 for 15 seconds, with lore “”The effect hurts but worth to drink”.
– 2 Spawn Spider named “Spider Egg”, with lore “For extra XP”.
– an enchaned book named “Super Book”, with enchantments Fortune 1, sharpness 3 and Fire Protection 4 with lore “to enchant something”Note that because the sword with fire aspect is at the Spider’s weapon slot in its inventory, so if the Spider hits you, you will catch on fire.
This seems promising. I’d like to see how this map ends up.
I would expect it to be round, more detailed than this current one :3
Note : A square spawn will probably look bad
i want to help building (as you probably know i have the highest plot in Prison)
Skype: raphael farard
i think ander has me already thouoegaboy For the last ****** time High means nothing high is *******
number 2 im better then you in building i got the build skill-
This reply was modified 9 years, 11 months ago by
Im good in command plot like if you want help with command blocks ask me i know lots of commands
Jerome Watch your language
I’ll love to help.
i would love to help with anything ander!!!
make something about me!! ill rek you m8s!
(jk…i wont rek you)One other requirement: You cannot fool around, you must be professional, and have good English, as I’m going to let people make signs and books.
Also, I’m looking for someone to host the server to build it on, if all else fails I need to use my aternos server.
Ander i have replied to you on Skype. However i will tell others it here. I am very experienced in command blocks. So if there is anything in that general area that you would need theirs that. I am a star in world edit and helped with alot of the buildings you so dotted around ec`s prison server. I am decent at building in mine craft and a specialist when it comes to pixel art designs a.k.a 16-bit video Design. I very much wish to be a big part of this project as i think it will go a long way. If you would like proof of me being professional i have no other way to so it other then i was obviously not demoted as a EC builder. If you have anything further questions about my english or other things i would like to ask you personnaly on skype. Here is just a taste on what i can do with command blocks:
/testfor @e{name=unknown} {inGround:1b} – This tests that there is a hook of the fishing rod in the ground.
/tp @p @e{name=unknown} – This will teleport the player to the hook as if it were a grapling hook :D.
/setblock ~1 ~ ~ redstone_block 0 destroy – This will create a infinite redstone timer to use for the testfor command block.Heres a pic on what it could look like without using the redstone clock {if yu have slow pc it migh hurt it a lil bit x3} Instead i used a hopper clock :D-
This reply was modified 9 years, 11 months ago by
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