EternalCraft Forum Wiki


Home Forums Global Feedbacks / Suggestions EternalCraft Forum Wiki

This topic contains 26 replies, has 16 voices, and was last updated by  Anonymous 9 years, 6 months ago.

Viewing 12 posts - 16 through 27 (of 27 total)
  • Author
  • #116187 Score: 0

    20 pts

    Dibs on Navy section

    #116194 Score: 0

    41 pts

    “Reviews don’t really matter much, just use it and see for yourself.”
    ^ My opinion on reviews.

    Anyways, as a Survival moderator, I’d gladly chip in and help where it’s needed.

    #116239 Score: 0

    1 pt

    I’ll bump this to keep it in recent replies, and will try to do it while not spamming. 😛
    Good idea Seth, but I just let people know in-case they judge stuff by reviews. ._.
    Wither: Only two Ik is that no cracked servers allowed and you can not receive donations and then pay them back with in-game perks.
    Jia: Get that nerd stuff off my topic! It looks horrible! o.o

    #116468 Score: 0

    1 pt

    Guess I will start spam-bumping this. D:
    Any new updates on what the keymasters have decided? Anyone reminded born? Anyone disagree? Is my idea accepted or denied? Anyone? ._.

    #116472 Score: 0

    41 pts

    I’ve brought it up to the different server mods, so now we’ll just have to wait and see their opinions of it.
    Also, Born has given it the thumbs up, given there be a team to work on it. (Proof: He replied to this topic on Page #1 of the topic)

    #116473 Score: 0

    1 pt

    You could always make an unofficial one. Just find some free wiki website like wikia, and get on working with it. You don’t need the mods to start working on it.

    Also, saying this again, I’m willing to help 😀

    #116477 Score: 0


    :0 can I help with the wiki page too?!

    #116479 Score: 0


    Willing to help on the MG section of the wiki xD

    #116488 Score: 0

    Aidan Nye
    12 pts

    Fibi and i worked on one that someone else made but its probably been a year since anyone has even looked at it.
    Wikia Page

    #116489 Score: 0

    Aidan Nye
    12 pts

    Also since minecraft is owned by Microsoft who has mega $$$ they aren’t going to sue a server which inst intended to make profit.

    #117340 Score: 0

    3 pts

    The wiki is good a plus for the server, there’s the news feed but a wiki page is just easier and faster to read + more “professional looking” stuff for the server can help getting more players. Finally it’s just a good way to remember the major changes and additions to the server. Definitely willing to help! :)

    Before writing the present reply, I’ve checked the rules of server monetisation called “EULA” from Summer 2014 (link is here ): we are breaking the rule “You are allowed to sell in-game items so long as they don’t affect gameplay” (donor ranks, donor items, etc.). I don’t know if all the servers really apply it, even the big ones, probably not, and it doesn’t even make a difference since EC is a cracked server anyway, but I just wanted to answer you. 😉

    ~Drumming Dice {DD}

    #117762 Score: 0


    I think i better bump this…

Viewing 12 posts - 16 through 27 (of 27 total)

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