Hey guys, and this is an exciting day as WE unleash the CryptoCat conversations of EC!
To those who don’t know:
Cryptocat is an app that allows you to chat to people – without a server. You may download Cryptocat at crypto.cat.
How to join:
1) Download Cryptocat
2) Open it
3) Give Cryptocat a conversation name* , and put your IGN for the nickname.
4) Wait
5) Done
*Conversation names – not being case-sensitive – may be written in big or small letters:
ECuniversal – For English chat
EClang – For other languages
Hope you have a good day having a new way of communication!
Anyway, my IGN/Nickname is raz04thund34.
This topic was modified 10 years, 9 months ago by
This topic was modified 10 years, 9 months ago by
RazorThunder. Reason: Proof-read
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