

Home Forums Survival General discussion Expanding!

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Grim_Reaper 12 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #9923 Score: 0


    I Absolutely love the way the server is going.

    We have Survival

    We have Creative

    And we even have Tekkit!

    We have evolved so much since Awesomecraft and Whocraft!

    Even Safe to say that the current owner and its mods have made this server grow a lot more than our previous owner Mike.

    I just have a suggestion, since we have Creative,Survival,and Tekkit, i think we should have one final type of server. The Vanilla server!

    This kind of server is Bare bones pretty much.No plugins, no Mods,no anything.Just chaos and survival. Players will have to hide their items, people will have to form tribes. Houses must be made in the shadiest places!

    Vote up if you think its a great idea!

    Vote down if you don’t.

    #9937 Score: 0


    Vote down,I think born has already spend quite a lot on 3 servers.

    #9946 Score: 0


    were u even there in the AC/WC times?


    #9975 Score: 0


    Yep and Proud to be! And you;re right Lagendary, forgot to think about that lol.

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