Extending world borders


Home Forums Survival General discussion Extending world borders

This topic contains 7 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Aidan Nye 11 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #19604 Score: 0

    2 pts

    I was just wondering why the world is so small cause single player worlds are 30 million blocks wide and long. Ive been to the edge of EC’s world and it seems like it could go on alot farther.

    #19605 Score: 0

    2 pts

    Extending the world borders would be nice!

    #19608 Score: 0

    Aidan Nye
    12 pts

    i noticed this in the nether when looking for quartz it isnt that hard to hit a boarder but there are reasons for having it this way eg it greatly reduces the amount of chunks that have to be loaded and saved lets say them move the boarder 1 chunk i think 16 blocks then u have to load up all the chunks in that row and thats a lot of chunks but i think the main reason is that u have to have it somewhere why not there.

    #19609 Score: 0

    2 pts

    I dont think chunk loading would be a problem for the server Gra0067

    #19610 Score: 0

    Aidan Nye
    12 pts

    it isnt a problem at the moment cause they have a border and u dont want to run a sever at to much more than 80% sh capicity to keep lag down and make it run seemlessly smooth

    #19615 Score: 0


    Actually we already have chunk errors so expanding probs wont end up doing any good

    #19616 Score: 0

    2 pts

    Curse Chunk Errors!


    #19641 Score: 0

    Aidan Nye
    12 pts



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