Extremely Glitched Death


Home Forums Survival Bug/Glitch Report Extremely Glitched Death

This topic contains 10 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  Antares6 11 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #50135 Score: 0

    16 pts

    So I was flying as usual, but to the addition of new biomes, I started claiming a very large area, and I was just “Up Key then enter” I was doing that with /t claim, when I once did /t claim it said “disconnect.spam” and I got kicked while I was flying mid air, and then I fell to death and the server then crashed, but what happened was suprising, all my items were intact in my inventory when I died, my god armor and stuff didn’t puddle up everywhere and stay there. We tested this theory out, I got to the same spot in the air and fell again, and died, this time I dropped the items, and it was pooling nearby me and the items were out of inventory, I did this with CheesyMoggs watching me. I would like an inventory refund and this glitch fixed please.

    #50136 Score: 0

    14 pts

    Can clarify this??? I’m confused

    #50137 Score: 0

    16 pts

    What do you mean clarify this? All that happened was that I died from falling and then none of my stuff dropped and also that when I did /t claim for a lot I got kicked for spam and I had feather falling 4 so I couldn’t have died – That’s basically that point

    #50138 Score: 0


    Wither basically he got disconnected by spam because he was spamming the /t claim command over and over he was flying while doing so… He was probably enough blocks high that he would die from fall damage when he logs back on. So he reconnected and died from the fall. Then right after he died, BOOM! server crashed and lost everything for good.

    #50139 Score: 0

    14 pts

    If u find out. Ec has like PvP logger. I tested it and it works even works everywhere in the server. Logging pvping in combat can get u killed. I’m not really sure about this issue. Can u tell us how many blocks u think were from ground

    #50140 Score: 0

    14 pts
    #50141 Score: 0

    16 pts

    Not exactly Kevin, I was just about 20 blocks high from the ground and donor armor has all protection enchants with feather falling 4, and feather fall 4 makes you die from 130 blocks from the sky if dropped, so technically this is impossible, because I have set to two chunk render distance and I could see the ground pretty clearly. And then when I died I didn’t see the stuff laying on the ground, it was in my inventory the entire time, if I were to be able to use hot keys at that time, it would have been like I could just use it

    #50143 Score: 0


    Rogue_Art should be refunded.. stuff like this happens to me a lot

    #50144 Score: 0

    16 pts

    And no, I was not in any forms of PvP, Infact I was in a plains biome which was claimed by LaRogueLand – No PvP, No Explosions, No Mobs, No Fire, which is also my town, and I was flying at a height where you wouldn’t expect to die from falling normally or just a few blocks above the height limit

    #50150 Score: 0


    Reported, you may be refunded.

    #50177 Score: 0


    Ok,i went to singleplayer and tested this myself,40 blocks is the dead zone,so basically,you will die if you fall 40 blocks or more,even with feather falling 4. 40 blocks is a really high distance though,and rogue was about 10-20 blocks in the air. Also,the initial invulnerability was turned off for him (if there isn’t that in the server,fall damage is bugged),so i consider that a bug and the items shouldn’t have disappeared. Does the console stay on when the server is offline or does it login a little bit before the server starts? If it is always on,the items despawned naturally and the loss of the items was caused by extreme lag and by the crash. If not,then there is a low chance that the items despawned naturally still because of the console or they simply glitched,as rogue said. Sometimes, the damage calculation for falling goes wrong and stuff like that happens. Jump boost effect should just make you jump higher,but sometimes for me it cancels ALL fall damage. So,fall damage is definetely bugged.

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