Faction _Zko7_ Ban Appeal


Home Forums Factions Ban Appeal Faction _Zko7_ Ban Appeal

This topic contains 9 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  Wither 10 years ago.

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  • #89607 Score: 0


    i was playing in my fac and i was told by my fac m8 that he heard that some ppl gonna come to raid us
    and then i was ready and i saw wither name shine bright ! like a diamond so red ! and it shows throw the wall his name is red then his name is gone and i mined to him and i saw that he drink an a inivsi pot so i frighted em and 001 and i was about to die i run away and i hide in my base he couldnt get in so he said u got any last word i said why ur betraying us he then say nothing i took my new armour and he banned me for killaura and name tag wait wat ! wth how could he ban me first of all killaura does not work on ppl whos invisi second i didnt hack and name tag cuz next time u wanna raid wither u have to drink ur pot before coming before u drink it i saw ur red name then i came to u to fight and i saw 2 of u and u say thats name tag hacks .-. wth wither and again let me tell u i wasnt kill aura if u dont know kill aura does not work on invisi ppl and i also didnt use it i was clearly hitting i swear and ur not gonna get in our base ur too late buddy boom exploded everything ! ( banned by wither ) reason killaura and name tag ingame name : _Zko7_ banned ? : today at 5:10

    #89610 Score: 0

    1 pt

    Use the template:

    Ingame Name: (minecraft username)

    When were you banned: (date/month/year)

    Why were you banned: (reason for being banned)

    Who banned you: (moderator name that banned you)

    Why do you think you should be unbanned: (explain why we should unban you)

    And then try again.
    Also, as Wither will probably ask you, you’ll need proof. A few pics if you have some for our lovely WitherPlaysMC.


    P.S.: Don’t know if it was lag, but don’t post the same thing twice, unless you want to use the template. Thank you.

    #89615 Score: 0


    Ingame Name: (_Zko7_)

    When were you banned: (26/12/2014)

    Why were you banned: (Hacking + Name Tag )

    Who banned you: ( Wither )

    Why do you think you should be unbanned: (i was playing in my fac and i was told by my fac m8 that he heard that some ppl gonna come to raid us
    and then i was ready and i saw wither name shine bright ! like a diamond so red ! and it shows throw the wall his name is red then his name is gone and i mined to him and i saw that he drink an a inivsi pot so i frighted em and 001 and i was about to die i run away and i hide in my base he couldnt get in so he said u got any last word i said why ur betraying us he then say nothing i took my new armour and he banned me for killaura and name tag wait wat ! wth how could he ban me first of all killaura does not work on ppl whos invisi second i didnt hack and name tag cuz next time u wanna raid wither u have to drink ur pot before coming before u drink it i saw ur red name then i came to u to fight and i saw 2 of u and u say thats name tag hacks .-. wth wither and again let me tell u i wasnt kill aura if u dont know kill aura does not work on invisi ppl and i also didnt use it i was clearly hitting i swear and ur not gonna get in our base ur too late buddy boom exploded everything ! ( banned by wither ) reason killaura and name tag ingame name : _Zko7_ banned ? : today at 5:10)

    #89616 Score: 0


    Here I Made it Better for u

    #89617 Score: 0


    btw the last paragraph is the reason why i got banned

    #89618 Score: 0


    i mean why i should get unbanned

    #89619 Score: 0


    Dont spam your post.

    Forwarded to higher mods.

    #89623 Score: 0

    14 pts

    Finding an player that’s invisible.

    Mines a STRAIGHt path to them..

    Pretty legit^

    I come out, bam, you start to hit me instead of 00100

    #89625 Score: 0

    19 pts

    Okay one thing not to do is start rampaging.. I learned that last night.. Just keep calm.

    #89626 Score: 0

    14 pts


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