Faction Mod application


Home Forums Factions Mod Applications Faction Mod application

This topic contains 15 replies, has 10 voices, and was last updated by  ZeeKingEpic 10 years, 5 months ago.

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 16 total)
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  • #76191 Score: 0


    Ingame Name: Still,Trivesh99

    Experiences:I currently play in Survival server and knows the rules well.I re started to play in faction server. Ive been admin on 2 servers which both closed down[Towny Server and 1 Creative].EC is my first faction server and im familiar to faction commands and general commands/Donor commands as Ive been playing on it since 2 months[but were a bit more active in survival]

    How often are you Online? 2-3 Hours during school days,5-7 hours during weekends

    Why should we pick you as mod? I remarked that Faction server don’t have many mods as it is new + also it got few players on it. I believe that faction is a kind of server that people usually plays a lot.I would like to be a mod to help new people joining server‏.Help them with commands and make them familiar with the plugins and commands.Sometimes I see spammers or swearers but there are no mods to prevent them doing that.
    I would like to help to reduce/stop excessive caps/spams and swears and also help the mod team.Im familiar with a lot of plugins and I also helped my friend on another server to make donor perks/mod perks..
    I hope to be part of the faction mod team‏‏

    #76294 Score: 0


    Bump :3

    #76449 Score: 0


    Second Bump :3

    #76456 Score: 0

    5 pts

    Vote Middle-Down

    -Dont see you online much (probably because of time zone) (down)
    -Reason is Bad “want to help new people joining the server” (down)
    -I dont see you help much (down)
    -You say you have expirience (up)
    -Inactive on forums (down)

    Overall help more and be active on forums :> (my opinion)


    #76731 Score: 0


    Vote Middle
    I can say this for various reasons

    1.Inactive on Forums
    2.But you are active on servers
    3.By the looks of your mod app i can see that you are not so good at English.
    4.I see you a lot in Survival but not on Factions

    By the way Banana_ he is active on servers but not really on factions and even though the time zone is different Still still plays late night.

    #76733 Score: 0


    Vote middle
    -not active on forums
    -always online

    #76739 Score: 0


    @Shadow I dont play late night :)

    #76740 Score: 0


    About the inactivity on forum:
    I would like to add that i usually read forums but dont reply to them and also

    Topics Started: 16

    Replies Created: 187

    #76741 Score: 0

    41 pts

    Still is gr8 m8
    no h8
    i r8 him 8/8

    Vote Middliddle (lolwut)
    I know what you’re like on Surv, and you’re usually calm/cool-headed.
    You’re pretty active in-game, but not so much on the forums (From what you explained, it’s like how I was :p), and you help quite a bit.
    Not a clue what you’re like on Factions, however.

    #76897 Score: 0


    :) Btw megaseth 8 is my favorite number 😛

    #76898 Score: 0

    mod67 / MrPvr99

    Hi still =)
    I vote up!
    He is :
    Knows commands
    Have experience
    Good reason
    Active on both server and forum =)

    Wish you bests!!

    #76907 Score: 0


    Vote Middle
    -not very active on factions (goes online but like 5-20 mins only)
    -not very active on forums
    -has experience

    #76956 Score: 0

    13 pts

    Vote Middle

    -I do not always see you on factions.Well I do see you but your like only 10 mins then your gone
    -Has experience
    -Coolheaded guy
    -Not active on forums

    #77140 Score: 0


    Thanks..Btw these 2 days i was less online cause a festival but now its over,and also atm in school days im 1-3 hours and weekends 3-7 hours..Maybe timezone :)?

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 6 months ago by  Trevish.
    #77410 Score: 0

    1 pt

    Ok vote middle up

    1.I think your active because everytime i see u its like 1:00 am here and i gtg so i think you stay and we have different timezones

    2.to help new people joining server‏ (did u mean advertise the server by videos in youtube?)

    3.Not very active on forums

    4. your not friendly, at least not with me i think you ignored me once on factions

    5.You have good experience

    THX 😀

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 16 total)

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