Faction report. Why..? Just why.. me?


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This topic contains 13 replies, has 10 voices, and was last updated by  Wither 10 years ago.

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  • #98834 Score: 0

    12 pts

    Tito and Ander, been making many probs lately and it’s started to make me some what mad :/
    Becuase they them keep bullying me saying i ” wont make the mod team ” Or ” Tavon will fail his last mod apply ” etc etc calling me a ” jerk ”
    And you guys know i’m a very nice guy and i don’t want to make any probs…

    But can some Faction mods take action’s here becuase i’m not trying to get warn for this. :-:

    #98835 Score: 0

    20 pts

    Tavon, we never said “You will fail your last mod apply” or anything, and calling you a “betrayer” isn’t against the rules.. Not trying to cause a massive problem but I’m simply defending myself

    #98839 Score: 0


    You raided a faction full of your friends and you don’t expect hate?

    #98866 Score: 0

    16 pts

    Uhh guys, this is called factions for a reason -_-. If I was an assistant in your town (and you trusted me a lot), and then I griefed you, and you didn’t have proof, that’s something big to worry about. Doing that is illegal, and if you get away with something illegal, that is bad. If you’re in a server where the goal is to kill people, destroy their bases, infiltrate their intel, etc. THEN YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO DO THIS, DO YOU UNDERSTAND? Ander, stop freaking about your faction getting raided, it’s part of the gameplay. If you don’t like it, go play survival, where you cannot get griefed, attacked, or killed (if you have correct perms). Because if you continue this, you’ll probably be banned off of EC & the forums for causing unnecessary commotions.

    #98871 Score: 0

    2 pts

    Tavon, what was the point of the second picture? There is no proof that it was directed toward you.

    #98873 Score: 0


    If you were a nice guy ,you would not betray your friends like that -_-

    @Rogue_Art, It may be factions,but it would obviously suck if the person you trusted so much turned out to be evil

    #98874 Score: 0

    12 pts

    It’s called Faction, for a reason. You get raid and you raid back and get Op and get rich there ppl you can trust and some you may not it’s how the game works.

    #98875 Score: 0


    Tavon,I don’t think you would like it when you trust someone so much and the latter raids you one day…

    #98879 Score: 0

    14 pts

    I highly suggest you explore the theme of factions.

    -betray is common
    -raiding is common
    -trust is hard to earn.

    #98882 Score: 0

    13 pts

    Ugh.. I think you guys misunderstood the word “faction”. It means a group of people with the same ideologies and values as everyone else in that group. That is a faction.

    If you raided the people that trusted you, then that isn’t faction, it’s betrayal. It is allowed to call someone a betrayer or denounce them warning that everyone else should not trust him.

    But once someone started talking s*** about someone just for raiding them that is when it is reportable.

    #98883 Score: 0

    13 pts

    Factions is simple..

    Kill or be Kill

    Betray or Betrayed

    Win or Lose

    Dead or Alive

    Op or Not OP

    Trust or Piss off

    Raid or be Raid

    Easy 😀

    #98889 Score: 0

    5 pts

    I FRIGGIN RAIDED U LIKE 100 TIMES. XD maybe not that much but its called factions for a reason

    #98892 Score: 0

    20 pts

    I’m not “freaking” at all. As stated above by the non-hater people, if you’re someone’s friend and you go ahead and betray them, it’s going to earn you s bad reputation, and then you become nobody’s friend. All I did regarding his towny rank was appropriate, if somebody betrays me I cut them off 100% from access to any of my things.

    #99384 Score: 0

    14 pts

    They are all given their last warning, if they continue: all of them will be perm muted

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