Factions Plugins


Home Forums Factions General Discussion Factions Plugins

This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  maxminoS 5 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #140021 Score: 0

    1 pt

    It´s been almost three years and I still miss playing in this server. EC was the most awesome server I ever played in. The people, the plugins, the community, everything was great. EC was such an important part of my childhood and I really loved playing there. I`m writing this topic because I wanted to know what were the topics that were used in the EC Factions server, and if there is a way I could download or obtain them. Thank You.

    #140027 Score: 0

    14 pts

    Hi there.

    I think when EC shutdown, I said that no plugins from EC’s Faction server will be distributed, but that may change 😛

    So with the Faction server, we used basic plugins

    1. Factions
    2. Economy
    3. World Guard
    and some other basic plugins.

    Dungeons was hand built + command blocks + dropper system
    Achievements was custom built by our beloved maxminos <3
    Jetpack was custom coded
    CombatLog was custom coded
    Luckyblock was custom coded by meeeee

    Full List
    1. Action Health used for mobs and player healths
    2. Auctions: for auctions 😛
    3. BattleArena: used for the 1v1 pvp battles
    4. Coreprotect: rollback and block logging
    5. Essentials: who doesn’t need that
    6. Faction Chat: for ally, truce, etc chat
    7. Faction Mobs: the cool mobs
    8. GroupManager: mod roles and the cook ranks you guys had 😛
    9. holographicDisplay: spawn holos and special tutorial ones
    10. INfoBoardReborn: the right side bar where it shows rank, balance, faction, et c

    11. Killrewards: the plugin that did the money for mobs killed
    12. mcMMO for the skills and etc
    13 mythic mobs: custom built mobs that we used? for boss I think (dungeons)
    14. player Vaults: player vaults
    15. Obsidian Destroyer: so water and obsidian can be broken :) and bedrock?
    16. Playerheads: so yall can get them cool luckyblocks
    17. ShopKepper: villager shops

    World Border, World Guard, World Edit

    #140028 Score: 0

    7 pts

    I am beloved maxminos and I disapprove of this message

    #140425 Score: 0

    1 pt

    Sorry for replying 6 months late lol. Thank you so much Wither! It’s nice to know that people still thinks about this server. Oh and I wanted to ask you as well, do you know what plugins were used to make blow darts, suicide bombs, celestial tomahawks and all that stuff? Thanks. 😉

    #140426 Score: 0

    7 pts

    Those were just CrackShot

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