Factions suggestions


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This topic contains 6 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  igra2002 10 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #82689 Score: 0


    I have some suggestions.
    First of all, DO NOT ADD A RANDOM TELEPORTATION command. It will give a huge advantage. Ppl spend hours searching for different biomes, especially for the ice spike biome. This will make the searching easier, which is not recommended. We can also end up teleporting inside some1’s highly protected base, which can cause problems.

    Second suggestion
    Add a filter plugin like in SV which does not let us eak Knapp words. Also I play on another server, and on swearing, ppl actually catch fire.

    Third suggestion
    add blaze spawners
    Nah it will make factions super easy.

    Fourth suggestion
    Make the mob spawning rate a little bit higher. Factions is a hardcore server, but ec isn’t that hardcore. More mobs needed 😛

    Fifth suggestion
    I think a boss arena should be added. My guess is that u guys are working on it, but I have a better idea for a boss arena. I don’t wanna expose it, so I suggest an admin+ contacts me in game (my Skype isn’t available for ppl idk IRL)

    Sixth suggestion
    A warp ma should be added like in SV.

    Battery is low so thee suggestions are for later 😛

    #82690 Score: 0

    14 pts

    1. about randomtp. That’s bad because what if random tp lands you on a base. And that is just pure unfair and disavantage. Faction is what ur suppose to explore and find these things

    2. Im pretty sure ppl found ice bomes. If not anyways, we are creating a new shop with TONS more items. ALmost all the items and etc.

    3. we are gonna add more spanwers to be sellable.

    Atm, silktouch able spawners are spider, skeleton, cavespider, and zombie

    Mob Spawning are pretty good i think. If you explore, you’ll see more mobs near by. We also have mob arena which you can kill mobs for exp, and money.

    Another arena will be added: we are focusing on another update instead of putting MA first. but it will be added

    —Thank You for ur suggestions,

    Note: Update 4.0 is on it’s way

    #82693 Score: 0

    Is it a new version each month or something?

    #82708 Score: 0

    1 pt

    Factions is being updated right now :(

    #82737 Score: 0


    Wither what I mean is that u guys work on the new version and I work on the boss arena with a partner. Just check out my idea for once. It will be better than the SV boss arena. And plz plz don’t add blaze spawners. Blazes give double xp on death. But make each and every spawner obtainable with silk touch even the blaze one 😛

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 4 months ago by  ChillzKillz99.
    #82754 Score: 0


    Thank you Chillz for your suggestions
    we already have Builders Ty so much for suggesting
    And Like wither said More spawners will be sellable
    And Finally we will add more spawners to be silktouched Soon

    #82836 Score: 0

    1 pt

    Why doesnt my photo appear when y reply to a topic

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