Farewell to EC!


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This topic contains 21 replies, has 12 voices, and was last updated by  olvnique 12 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #8537 Score: 0


    I have decided to leave EC and will be playing on other servers even though they will never be as good as EternalCracked. I would like to share all of the money I have earned on the main EC server to Hablaman1, mioster, trollz0rdf, agentcoolblue, Dirksterr, Nhu, Bongo, iKiLLAHZ, Christ, ADCKnight, hockey3737, olvnique, Vertone, wuman, DaIndian, imnewwth2, and christhewhelk. Please can a HeadMod or Born split my money equally among the listed players. Also, I’d like for someone (Possibly Dirksterr or olvnique) to have a giveaway of my items that are all in the chests in the basement of /warp skyshop. I have elected a few candidates for the mayor of SkyVille and the king of MCNation. Those candidates are caspillo, Hablaman1, Christ, and wuman. If everyone would please vote on who they think the new mayor and king of SkyVille and MCNation will be, that would be great! I’d like a townyadmin to move the mayor and king status to whoever wins this election. And, can someone please kill those chickens that iKiLLAHZ spawned in SkyVille? Christ, you can just get someone to add you to MCNation if you win the election and want to keep HappyTown, but still be the king of my nation. Hablaman1, you can keep your town and you’ll just be moved to king status. I guess that wraps things up. Thanks for everything, to the Server Owner for keeping the server going, to the HeadMods for adding plugins to make the server even better than it already is, to the GuardianMods for keeping the server safe, to the ExpertMods for keeping the chat clear, to the Members for just letting everyone have a great time, to the TrialMods for doing their best to protect the server with the limited abilities that they have, and to the Lurers, Griefers, Cheaters, Scammers, for just making each day more interesting than the day before.

    shivpatel122: July 1st 2012 – November 2nd 2012

    #8538 Score: 0


    Shoot, I forgot, I’d also like to give an equal amount of my money to Rexhead123 and XxXhayateXxX.

    #8539 Score: 0


    Your balance was reset.

    #8540 Score: 0


    Why can’t I be mayor. I might be unbanned :/

    #8562 Score: 0


    yeah that’s nice, bye.

    #8567 Score: 0


    Bye ): Why are you leaving? Is there a reason?

    #8570 Score: 0


    Yeah, Pixel. :< He was permabanned for duping.

    #8573 Score: 0


    Shaman, any chance you could add it back? It was around $3 million and I got it legit. Also, will my items still be given away? And, who will be the new owner of my town and nation? Everyone, please put who they think should be the new mayor/king of SkyVille and MCNation. I want both of them to stay alive even though I will never returned unless I’m unbanned.

    #8574 Score: 0


    omg…. i logged on to find that you were banned…. ah fml…. TT_TT

    #8575 Score: 0


    and now i got on here to find that your leaving… forever… TT_TT

    #8576 Score: 0


    But seriously. Why did you dupe? Now that you are banned (perm), looks like EC wont be the same…. And lord can’t get back into Skyville (as always). +How come Vertone is not a candidate for being the mayor of Skyville/MCNation? Lawl???

    #8577 Score: 0


    Cause I’m banned as well. But only for about a week and a few days.


    #8578 Score: 0


    EC will be the same, shiv never was a landmark player.


    #8582 Score: 0


    actually vertone, your not temp banned, we are discussing if you get unbanned..


    #8587 Score: 0


    But it’s only a first offense… it doesn’t seem very fair on my part.

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