Farewell to EC!


Home Forums Survival General discussion Farewell to EC!

This topic contains 21 replies, has 12 voices, and was last updated by  olvnique 12 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #8588 Score: 0

    -1 pt

    Zac, I think Bertone is temp ban for 2 weeks, we discussed it.

    #8634 Score: 0


    bye shiv’ well miss ya :(

    #8662 Score: 0


    Invader, you could at least show some respect. I don’t think you owned a town or a nation.

    #8710 Score: 0


    Shiv…. PLEASE look at this. Message me on Youtube, comment on one of my vids, whatever! Just contact me. Username; Cottonras… I know they probably won’t, but I hope they let you back on… your absence is breaking my heart, especially with you asking to get back on being denied every time. </3 Hope you eventually get back on. I miss you, Shiv. D’:

    #8711 Score: 0


    And, also. Invader; rude much? Shiv poured his heart and soul into his town and nation. The least you could do is show a little respect for him. You seem to be very rude, and I honestly never thought of YOU as a landmark player either. Your comments seem to be full of negativity, and I don’t think I want a Moderator who does this kind of stuff, taunting our (albiet, former) players. :/

    #8745 Score: 0


    LOL, love how staff put pictures of skins even though they are CRACKED.

    #8952 Score: 0


    shiv…..im surprised that u decided to duplicate especially after what happened to Ricky…Never the less you will be missed you were a great freind brah peace out have a good life bro

Viewing 7 posts - 16 through 22 (of 22 total)

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