Finally 1.7


Home Forums Survival General discussion Finally 1.7

This topic contains 7 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  ReconStrikeDelta 11 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #44382 Score: 0


    Finally 1.7 came out for me

    #44384 Score: 0


    Do you really need to make an entire topic just for that?

    #44385 Score: 0

    ‎牧野 つくし

    ^ LOL

    #44386 Score: 0

    13 pts

    New world generation!
    Double the amount of biomes, with new trees/flowers/blocks.
    New “Amplified” world option.
    Less ocean, more awesome.
    New blocks!
    Two new types of wood.
    Stained glass! With both blocks and panes.
    Packed ice, red sand, podzol.
    Lots of new flowers, including double-tall versions of current plants.
    Portals can be bigger sizes!
    Added more type of fish.
    Redone the fishing mechanics. Can now catch junk and treasure too.
    Fishing rod enchantments!
    Put them in an item frame and hang them on your wall. They’re extra big!
    Lots of new colours for lots of blocks!
    Now with less lag!
    Achievement & Statistics overhaul!
    Now both world (or server) specific.
    In multiplayer, it’s announced to everybody when you get an achievement.
    You can move your mouse over this in the chat to see what it was!
    Some new achievements and statistic types were added.
    Zoomable achievements screen!
    Multiplayer enhancements!
    Servers can now put a 64×64 image called “server-icon.png” in their folder, that you will see on your server list.
    You can see who’s online before joining a server; move your mouse over the player count!
    Lots of hidden preparation for allowing name changes.
    Resource pack changes!
    You can now have multiple selected.
    They can completely re-do your sounds, adding new ones or changing current ones.
    Servers can now recommend a resource pack for you to use.
    Chat & command improvements!
    New commands to spawn mobs or blocks of any type.
    Command block minecart!
    Clickable links to achievements and items.
    Click on somebody’s name in the chat to message them!
    Lots and lots of technical work!
    Completely rewrote how the network (multiplayer) works.
    Completely rewrote the sound manager.
    New graphics options.
    Basic shader support testing.

    Copied from MCforums

    #44387 Score: 0


    Oh wow, how did you…
    Copied from MCforums
    Oh, I was worried for a second… xD

    #44388 Score: 0

    13 pts

    You know, Copyrights are important. I’ll get sued if I just copied it willy-nilly

    #44397 Score: 0


    Well, for those who wanted to find out for themselves what would happen in 1.7 That’s too bad for you lol.

    #44399 Score: 0


    Wow…just wow

Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)

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