Fire Emblem Class Suggestions(Spoilers for Fire Emblem: Awakening)


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This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Claustofobia 11 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #22107 Score: 0


    I am a huge fan of Fire Emblem, so if it is okay, i would like to suggest a class based on one of the characters in Fire Emblem, maybe from Awakening, since it came out recently.

    I thought of some ideas, but they’re just suggestions, I am okay with any changes if these are too over-powered in any way.

    First class, Grandmaster, which is the promoted class for Tactitian in Awakening. Since the Avatar, *Spoiler* and his/her daughter/son, Morgan *Spoiler* are the only people in the story line to get the class from the start, you can use either the Avatar’s default name(Robin) or Morgan for the class name on the signs if necessary. Here are the stats I have set up so far:

    Sword(Stone Sword): Knockback 2 or 3

    Ranged Weapon: Fire/Lightning/Wind Magic Book

    Fire will launch fireballs, Lightning shoots lightning, and Wind blows other players away a good distance. As for which to use, I’ll let the creators decide.

    Bow(if magic book is undesirable or otherwise impossible):

    Fire Magic-based Bow: Power 1, Punch 1, Flame 1, Infinity 1

    Lightning Magic-based Bow: Power 2, Punch 1, possibly able to launch lightning, if possible(if so Power can be 1)

    Wind Magic-based Bow: Punch 3, Infinity 1

    As for armor colors, i went with these:

    Helm: Black+Purple dyed, Chestplate: Black dyed, Leggings: Black dyed, Boots: Black+Purple dyed

    When making these stats i tried to make them even, as the Grandmasters are in Fire Emblem. If they don’t seem even or if they are overpowered, feel free to change them.

    Another class is, obviously, Marth. If Marth doesn’t seem right, you can go with Chrom, Eirika, Lyn, or Lucina.

    Sword(Iron or Diamond Sword):

    Knockback 4 or 5

    Ranged Weapon(optional): Amastu, a throwable sword in Awakening. It will be an item you can throw at enemies.

    As for armor colors, use these for Marth, or possibly Chrom or Lucina:

    Helm: Blue dyed, Chestplate: Black+Black+Blue dyed, Leggings: Black+Black+Blue dyed, Boots: Black+Black+Blue dyed.

    Also, if possible make this class a bit faster, as I see that as fitting for this class.

    Do keep in mind these are only suggestions, so if these don’t seem fitting, I am sorry, but I am sure you can change them to fit.

    I also apologize if this post is too long, this is my first time doing so. Thank you.


    #22110 Score: 0

    7 pts

    Fire Emblem Is No Super Smash Brawl, Fire Emblem is by Square Enix


    #22118 Score: 0


    But Marth is OK, beause he was fighting in SSBB

    #22119 Score: 0


    It seems that admins only use classes from Nitendo consoles, so suggest classes from Nitendo

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