For platuim donors suggestion


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This topic contains 4 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  Stress 11 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #17607 Score: 0


    So since platuim can kick/mute they should be able to give warning to players like /warn name reason only if its bad and no mods on so instead of kick/mute of bat u can warn them then if keep doing it they can then kick/mute. Because I think it more mod like and more fair


    – valksoar

    #17616 Score: 0


    Vote down for this suggestion. Honestly, I think the kick/mute commands are already enough to stop players from doing some bad stuff like spamming or holding up mob arena. Also, if platinum donators abuse their /warn and get away with it, the innocent player could have a bad record and definitely won’t like it. (Especially now that it shows you the number of warnings you have everytime you log in). It just… does not feel nice :/

    #17621 Score: 0

    7 pts

    VOTE DOWN!!! It is not fair for the donors, if you pretend it happen, Platinum donors can Mute, Kick, etc. If /warn is added, slowly, Platinum donors will become like moderators. And If that happens, what if a bad player abuse the powers of Platinum Donor in silence?

    #17633 Score: 0


    Yes, It is already enough, Because i honestly think they should replace them. instead of having kick/mute, they could have warnings. I vote up but on my idea. lol

    #17640 Score: 0


    We can’t trust our players just to use the /fly command, why would we give them much more power? Vote down.

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