for them rich D-As


Home Forums Prison Feedback for them rich D-As

This topic contains 3 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  FuriousKnight 10 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #82588 Score: 0

    13 pts

    The cells in the ranks of A-D are pretty damn cheap, I was thinking that some people like to be better than everyone without going to F, Why not add luxury cells? Luxury cells exists in real life too, cells designed for people of importance that needs to be held in prison gets to be sent to one of these bad boys. These rooms serves no difference from the other rooms, they’re just really damn fancy. The cost is four times more than the cheap *** *****s cells. It’s just seems to add to realism.

    a way for people to escape to freedom but not able to do anything and hostile zombiepigmans spawn in their radius to act as police chasing the prisoner, killing the cops can get them a special item to craft special weapons (this is possible). If the escapee dies, they’ll lose 20% of their cash and inventory.
    Donors have the perk of ore mixtures(potions). Basically they can brew potions using the ores. Speed to gold, Strength to iron, haste to diamonds and so on .Why not add a brewing stand inside does fancy *** rooms? But only donors can use them? I’m sure people are gonna donate more for that ****. Add a new shop where people can buy glass bottles, NOT glass, Glass bottles.

    This is just a suggestion, thanks for reading.
    *all of these are possible if you are capable*

    #82589 Score: 0

    7 pts

    To be honest, I think Prison’s freedom should be a GTA Server.

    #82605 Score: 0

    20 pts

    I would agree with both of you, Max and Wave, but IDK which idea is better.

    -LordGriefer AnderZENZ

    #82607 Score: 0


    Hello there, so as i read all your suggestions..

    First of all, in my opinion luxury cells are kinda pointless. Why? Because most of D rankers will choose to use their money for rankup instead of renting a cell with no additional perks, just fancier decoration, but the price is higher.. They can have more chests in higher rank cells and even a plot in F, so why bother wasting money in lower ranks for a well decored cells? Anyways, we will to consider this one.

    Secondly, about the escape thing, i think that can be an interesting event. Probably we can make a warp where pigmans will be spawned every few hours together with the open gate. We will see if we can impelement it in Prison.

    Third, about donor potions.. Umm i think we already have potions which are craftable. Example: rank A drugs. So if you don’t know yet, we replaced the old drugs into potion. You can find it in your rank’s crafting book. We will see if we can add more.

    Anyways, thanks for the suggestions :)

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 4 months ago by  FuriousKnight.
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