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This topic contains 9 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by  skills641 11 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #49789 Score: 0


    ForgottenIsland is the first town I moved to in EternalCracked and now it’s in crisis. The town has to pay 4k upkeep from the town bank daily. I have checked how much money does the bank have. 32k. That means the town will fall in a week. The mayor of the town is HermitPwner and he has been inactive a lot. It’s like he left. Now it turns out that I am the only resident of the town. I don’t want the town to fall. I love it. I met a lot of friends there and learned new stuff. I did some math and now I need money. I can’t to all this on my own so I need help. I was hoping that someone can donate me money for the town so I can deposit it into the town bank. If I get 200k, the town will stand for 50 more days. If the town falls I will think of something. Thank you for reading this.

    Help me save ForgottenIsland. Please.

    #49793 Score: 0


    Make the dude mayor damit..

    #49795 Score: 0

    1 pt

    Im sorry to hear that toni, im afraid I can only donate to the town 2 or 4k, I need money to renew my tools so I can clear plots in my town. I have a bad money situation too, since most of ppl have like 100k I am poor only have 15k more or less. What I can is donate some items or let you use my melon farm so atleast you can get some money to keep the town up for more time until the mayor decides to deposit some money. Toni you can sell some items too for example wheat or carrots. You can also get money in the mob arena or in a mob farm.
    I will try to help as much as I can.


    #49797 Score: 0



    #49818 Score: 0


    best thing do do at this point is go to /warp adck, turn around, take a left turn, use their giant farm, if you havnt already, and just deposit all the money you get, although, i was in this same situation, mayor inactive, wouldnt make me mayor, suck ik dude, so i moved to happytown and am living a happy life there now πŸ˜€

    #49823 Score: 0


    Toni,i have seen your city and it is quite awesome πŸ˜€ i would like to help you. Do i donate directly to you?

    #49828 Score: 0


    I’ll donate to you 200k if that’s ok with you. Am I giving it to you?

    #49841 Score: 0

    Math!!! ;DD MATH FTW

    #49846 Score: 0


    But with me giving him that much money I just hope he’s putting it in the town bank and not just spending it himself.

    #49849 Score: 0

    3 pts


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