Forty five disrespects


Home Forums Survival General discussion Forty five disrespects

This topic contains 23 replies, has 18 voices, and was last updated by  BlonFTW 10 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #65375 Score: 0


    The only “disrespect” I see here is saying “rogue hax” which isn’t a major offense. I have gone through all the screenshots and most of it is immature actions, but not disrespect.

    #65376 Score: 0


    As a couple people have said, you take things too far. I’d have to agree since I don’t see much disrespect. Its just beretta and blon being stupid.

    #65377 Score: 0


    Just to clarify, I really wasn’t trying to be mean with the one comment I made about you. I figured you would know its just a joke and wouldn’t take things this far. *guess I was wrong* Also, if that really did bother you, I’m sorry about it and I’ll try to uh ‘keep my mouth shut’.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 10 months ago by  Reaperr_.
    #65379 Score: 0

    16 pts

    I’ve been watching how people have been replying so far.


    This topic is not about my mod app. This is a report.


    No need to worry, you only did once or twice, so its fine.

    This topic is not like “i hate you all” type of a post. Its a post which shows you what you’ve done and how you could improve yerself.
    What if I tell you… before I switched to 1.7.4 Optifine, I used 1.7.2 Damage Indicators, and 1.7.2 has a screenshot glitch. I thought this constant-disrespect would end in a week or so, but it raged on. I changed my version to 1.7.4 so screenshot what was just an hour in the night.

    This happens nearly every day, this one was one of the worst nights that happened.

    Although there wasn’t some major ones in there, there are ones that are insane, but due to the 1.7.2 thing, couldn’t get a pic of it. If a mod wants to know about anything else, please reply on the topic, skype me, or message ingame.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 10 months ago by  Rogue_Art.
    #65380 Score: 0



    #65382 Score: 0


    Sorry I didn’t mean it in a demeaning way Beretta. Meant it as you guys goofing off.

    #65383 Score: 0


    A lot of these images aren’t even reports such as the ‘whole hole’ conversation. Reaperr_ was just messing around with some people. And a few of these images don’t even have anything that I find to be offending to other people.

    #65384 Score: 0


    MSN i didnt mean it like that lol, I meant it as i was agreeing with you, and that you are 100% right about us being stupid :p

    #65385 Score: 0


    Yeah, We were being stupid xDD

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