Forums idea.


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This topic contains 7 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  megaseth 10 years ago.

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  • #98077 Score: 0

    12 pts

    Hello EC, players :)
    I come with a new idea once again.

    You know how your shown as a ” Participant ” on the side of the forums and some of the mods have ” Keymaster ” and etc etc.
    Well why not let donors have the same like.

    ” Donor ” or ” Donor / Participant ” I don’t know it seems like a cool idea to me really. 😛

    #98079 Score: 0


    i think it’s not good :( sorry but the mods won’t spend time for changing forums and make for each donor a tag and then remove it , it’s a waste of time

    It’s my opinion

    #98091 Score: 0

    2 pts

    Buycraft only does commands through game. I don’t think it can do websites

    #98094 Score: 0



    “sorry but the mods won’t spend time for changing forums and make for each donor a tag and then remove it”

    How do you know that? You aren’t part of the mod team.

    Basically here, you’re just assuming the mods are a bunch of lazy humans.

    #98097 Score: 0

    And besides, being active on the forums is a requirement for a player to be a mod. Obviously, there would be some keymasters that wouldn’t really mind changing the forums tag, given an executive order that allows them to do so.

    #98101 Score: 0

    1 pt

    It would be quite a pain having to add, then remove the forum ranks and try and keep up with who lost his donor and who didn’t. Although, we don’t have that many donors. Still though, it would still be useless, unless:

    You could think of a few extra perks donors get on the forums. To be honest, I can’t think of anything.. Maybe signatures?

    #98102 Score: 0


    Seems like a pain. Doesn’t really show much besides that you donated, and thats already displayed on the left side of the forums.
    I don’t see a point in it.

    #98103 Score: 0

    41 pts

    Sorry, but it does indeed seem like a lot of unnecessary effort.
    Besides, as Beretta said, there’s the Donor Wall, if people want to know that someone has donated.

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