Foxy420's Mod Application


Home Forums Prison Mod Applications Foxy420's Mod Application

This topic contains 12 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  JuhJuhDuck 9 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #120172 Score: 0


    In-game names used: Foxy420, WemberMan, Badekakia, FNAF_Freddy

    How Old are you: 10

    In what country do you live in, and what is your timezone? : Saudi Arabia (I am exactly from egypt) Timezone : UTC+3 (Thanks to Melee49)

    How long have your played Minecraft? : About 1 and a half years

    Do you have any previous experience in Moderating? If yes, tell us your experiences as detailed as possible, but do not Advertise any server IPs! : No.

    Do you ever get punished in EternalCraft before? If yes, when and why? And what did you learn from that? : Bribing my friend (jerome43926) to kill me so I can escape bounty, Muted 1 time for PG-13, Warned 4 times for PG-13 and Swearing, I learned to never swear/PG-13/Break rules and etc.

    The Server you are applying for: Prison

    How Often are you Online in Prison: I was online for about 4 months

    Why do you want to become a Moderator? : I’d like to become a moderator because first of all I know all commands and donor commands in Prison and i play in it for most of the time and i really see alot of people raging and swearing and etc, well also because I admit I rage alot and I swear alot but I will change that in the future of course!


    Edit : My egypt timezone is UTC+2 If you were wondering or something

    • This topic was modified 9 years, 6 months ago by  Foxy420.
    • This topic was modified 9 years, 6 months ago by  Foxy420.
    #120183 Score: 0


    Vote up!

    Im sure u have expirience mike xD
    2. Friendly
    3. Doesnt have alot of warns
    4. Good luck!
    5.trustable and mature
    1. You must change your behavier Now not in the futuir so mods can see the trust in you
    Good luck mike and btw Do not ban people unless u contact a mod and they accept i recomend telling banana or clockspeed if neather are online then wait and u forgot to say u will not <|ABUSE COMMANDS|>

    Edit: Sorry for spelling mistakes i am using my old phone

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 6 months ago by  Artoriel. Reason: Double Post. Second Warning
    #120186 Score: 0


    jerome, ‘Future’ means after i just posted this application.. ._.

    P.S. You always grammar bad :L

    Edit: Btw my skype is adhm.rehan1

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 6 months ago by  Artoriel. Reason: Double Post. First warning
    #120265 Score: 0

    1 pt

    obvious vote down

    -not helpful
    -doesnt report much
    -not very active
    -fairly new to forums
    -i dont think youve been in the server for 3months+
    -isnt very friendly sometimes
    -fairly immature too
    -also active both in game and forums at the same time
    -fairly friendly

    good luck

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 6 months ago by  InfectedEnder.
    #120268 Score: 0


    I was active for 3months+ on my old main and active for 1 month in my new main that is now Foxy420
    And i was active in the forums on also my old main for a long time
    but your right about being not very friendly.

    I agree with your opinion about being fairly immature and not being very friendly.

    Thanks for your vote, even if vote down or vote up it helps!

    #120373 Score: 0



    #120608 Score: 0


    2nd Bump and 3rd Bump, Forgot about it yesterday xD

    #120840 Score: 0


    4th and 5th Bump.. Y u no vote ;-;

    #121313 Score: 0


    6th, 7th, 8th Bump. I HATE MA LYFE ;-;

    #121316 Score: 0

    This reply has been marked as private.
    #121321 Score: 0


    Vote down
    You argue too much..
    Rarely see you help

    #121345 Score: 0


    9th Bump, and OK river.

    #121556 Score: 0

    2 pts

    Sorry, but your recent behavior has shown that you’re not mature enough. You can try again in 3 months.

Viewing 13 posts - 1 through 13 (of 13 total)

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