frezyfrosty's appeal


Home Forums Prison Punishment Appeal frezyfrosty's appeal


This topic contains 8 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  Anonymous 9 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #103836 Score: 0


    IGN: Frezyfrosty
    Date of Ban: 4/18/15
    Who Banned you: Ender and Bananaking
    Why were you Banned: donor scam
    Why should u be unbanned: because i wasnt thinking at the time and it was a stupid thing to do and now i know i will be banned if i do it so i wont scam at all anymore and i hope to refresh my rep on the server.

    #103846 Score: 0

    20 pts

    I wonder if all 3 of you are the same person.. Copied each other’s appeal..

    #103859 Score: 0


    wanna bet ill skype u and video
    whats ur skype

    #103874 Score: 0

    1 pt

    No need to argue here

    As for frezy i can see complaints in survival about fly pvping and now donor scamming in prison?
    1mill in game cash is still a lot so explain what was your intentions

    You asked tito for 1mill and he gave it to you knowing you would sell him the donor but instead you asked for another 5mill; hungry for money? I dont think so
    Making people rage? Probably
    I had to refund tito WITH my own /bal because of your actions

    One thing i agree with ander 3 acc all same ban appeal im getting suspicious

    #103885 Score: 0

    20 pts

    “Skype video” nah not gonna show my face to an Internet stranger.

    #103902 Score: 0

    12 pts

    Been a bad boy lately.
    One thing I must ask of you. Why you donor scam? You knew you was going to get banned.

    #103903 Score: 0


    well if i neber get unbanned then tell tito im sry and ender im sry. And ender if were all the same person how would we be on all at the same time?

    #103906 Score: 0

    20 pts

    Easy, flip between minecraft windows, I’ve never seen you all chatting at once ._.

    PS: It’s Ander, not Ender 😉

    #117848 Score: 0



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