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This topic contains 90 replies, has 20 voices, and was last updated by  Skipper7478 7 years ago.

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  • #41541 Score: 0


    There are three things that can devastate ones soul.
    1. Watching Miley Cyrus’ VMA video
    2. Getting the “Who’s that pokemon” game wrong
    3. Reading this thread

    #41547 Score: 0

    1 pt

    zevguns why are you against me doing something that helps and entertains?!?!

    #41607 Score: 0


    XD :3 Becoz I Can.

    #41608 Score: 0


    DEASERTMAN I WANT TO SEE U ON SURVIVAL PAL CAUSE U ARE COOL πŸ˜€ and i havent seen u on survival lately D:

    #41609 Score: 0


    lol roy, i get that joke…. Chem nerds πŸ˜›

    #42084 Score: 0

    3 pts

    B-b-b-ba-b-ba-bac-bac-baaaaaccck parapiBOUF


    Remenber the time when someone spammed the forums cause his house got griefed and he builded it in wilderness? (That wasnt me :P) Heres what curiously happend after… But its not true.

    He got eggs in his chests. Eggs and thats it. He decided to sell eggs to make a house in a town (he didnt knew in most towns theres melon farms, tree farms…) . BUT this guy was smart, and tryed to get a chicken by throwing eggs. But all eggs got thrown except one and he still didnt got a chicken :O he said in chat “FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU” and got kicked by SpamGuard… Then he enraged like hell.
    This guy came back after 1 mn. He still got the egg in his hand. *BAM* he got a chicken… He was soooo happy πŸ˜€
    He said “wooohooo guys i got an egg now i can have money to buy blocks and make my house in a town yyeeaah”
    I answered (yeah no mods online and the other guys to busy pvping) “maaaaan did u knew there is tree farm and other stuff in towns generally not just the town spawn and houses?”

    And that was the end of the story. Hope u liked it πŸ˜› That was to show how can we be lucky when we mind we’re not… A bit like me, but this one was REALLY lucky, dont expect he got tons of eggs, maybe like just 6-7. He got smart and so got the chance to his side. This story was more a message, especially to abdo (he k why): NEVER GIVE UP.

    Autor: The Psychological Dr, me, EGGman.

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 4 months ago by  Dicedead. Reason: Dammit hitted submit by mistake
    • This reply was modified 11 years, 4 months ago by  Dicedead. Reason: Finished the story
    #42132 Score: 0

    1 pt

    A lame yo mama joke:(im not very good at jokes xD)
    Yo mama so fat she wears two watches… ONE FOR EACH TIME ZONE SHE’S IN!!

    #42134 Score: 0

    1 pt

    This is a real story that happend today on EC survival server:

    Suddenly, Skipper7478 left the server and 5 seconds after a player called DrEggman joined the server… he said he would destry the EC server!
    Then Dicedead went mad and started laughing out loud. Skipper7478 joined the server and when he pressed tab and saw DrEggman he went into the wild and tpeed DrEggman to where Skipper was.
    And he killed him with his fists!

    And thats how Skipper7478 saved EC from the old lamo DrEggman

    DA END

    #42135 Score: 0

    3 pts

    hum. to those who are too imaginative that was just skipper playing on another computer killing himself πŸ˜› u saved EC from urself, huh?

    #42176 Score: 0

    3 pts


    Title: DrEggman strikes back!

    Well this story is really crazy…

    SO,ty skipper for doing the first part of the story. Now heres the second part πŸ˜› DrEggman re-logged… Skipper:” WTF THIS TIME ITS NOT ME I SWEAR”. Me (yeah i m in the story):” i m not that stupid -_-“. Him:” f*** look (i m saying f*** to myself yeeah) hes moving in same time as me D:”
    Ofc, with my traditional irony:” #ItsUrBro :D”.
    Then i forgot this and keeped collecting melons.
    This DrEggman guy did nothing… Just chatting in spanish,pvping… Nothing really weird. BUT Skipper was the only one to k this guy hacked his account.
    One day we ve seen: Admin_DrEggman_kosto
    Immediatly in chat: WTF HACKER!
    I messaged skipper:”STAHP IT” he answered “gosh man its not me someone hacked this account from a few weeks”.
    Eggman was spamming the “muhahahaha” so SpamGuard kicked him. Skipper runned on his other computer and launched mc… Me too, i launched mc with my premium account, that is named DrEggman (<— this account EGGxist but i prefer the name “Dicedead” as cracked… I never use this other acc on any server thats just in case a friend wanna play i dont let them play with the cracked profile and i keep them playing on single player) and runned in super smash…
    Zev and S_killer99 were on the website so i said in the webchat:”QUUIIICK USE MOB DISGUISE GUYS AND DISGUISE AS A PLAYER CALLED DREGGMAN IN MINIGAMES AND CREATIVE!!!” Zev said “calm down man we already did this and much more however ty for joining super smash cause theres no mob disguise in it”.
    DrEggman got de-oped and ipbanned, so me and skipper werent (<– super grammar) able to use our alts accs again… But when we take in mind thats the cost to leave a hacker away from EC were so happy.
    We came back in the game, like nothing happend. But skipper found on his anti virus:VIRUS DETECTED! NAME “hey buddy its me DrEggman”, and me too i found same thing, but the virus was already in the junk (hell yeah i got “norton limited advanced protection antivirus” cost me 50$ but now i have no virus).
    Skipper needed a time to erase dafEGGing virus, but he removed it…

    And that was the end of the story. This one was only some really bull crap, and wasnt a “revenge” as shown above. That was to show a hack is always possible and u see now SpamGuard is not that crap.

    Autor: meeehh, but this time, skipper’s story helped me a bit πŸ˜›

    #42710 Score: 0

    3 pts


    Title: A Special one for PirateBooty πŸ˜› And how eggs are better than snowballs

    Its been a while i m trying to find a good story. This one is about Pirate when he created StrawHats (ofc its not true i would be surprised if he used eggs πŸ˜‰ )

    SO, (date= *idk) pirate joined the server, and when he seen that was towny, he started dreamin:” OMG its towny πŸ˜€ lets make the BIGGEST town in the server”.
    When he got the money, (around 150k) he searched for a good place to start his town, and he fount a great one near the end of the world. BUT, (<— wooohooo action) when he was finally in the place, he fount another guy (not me :3) who wanna make a town EGGxactly at the same place D:
    Booty sethomed and called his friends,to kill this guy. They bringed EGGS and LAVA. The other side (yeah ofc the other guy did the same thing) bringed instead of eggs SNOWBALLS, and lava too.
    The 2 teams maked a circle around the battlefield; a circle of LAVA, HOLY CRAP, then they started fighting with the eggs and the snowballs. But OH NOES the other team is winning D: but battle stopped… WTF WHY? (Read more and u ll know)
    The 2 teams ran out of things to throw (thats why) and they were about to bring the pro4 armors when pirate noticed there was TOOONS of chickens all around. He bringed only iron gear, the other guy was saying “haha noob u dont even have a dime armor”.
    Booty enraged:”WE LL SEE WHOS THE NOOB AND NOW! (Ofc he got warned). Then he took the eggs, and thinked bout an idea:”TIME to be a REAL PIRATE!!”
    At the speed of a stock-car, he built a BIGBIG pirate ship (time for some seriousness) and the other guy TOO. Then, TOONS of tnts got crafted. Time to battle!
    BOUM BOUM BAM BAM super mega giant explosions (and lag). Pirate’s cannons are activated with things thrown on them, “the other guy”‘s cannons with a button. That was a hell of battle… BUT finally all Booty’s pirate ship deck got exploded D: Hopefully the cannons were still working good, but how to walk without a deck? D: only some blocks remain of it o.O
    Pirate desesperated. A good ship, like this one, blowed up??! And no town so?!!? NO! He finally remenbered the eggs. His cannons were automatics, so no probs for replacing tnt. BUT, they need to be activated with (as i already said) things thrown or dropped on them!
    He stayed 1 hour like this, cannoning, shooting tnts and throwing eggs, AND FINALLY he touched the heart of the other ship: thats where theres TOONS of tnts. BBAAAAAAAAMMMMM!!!! And booty said:” Whos the noob now? :3″
    Now StrawHats is created, its running good and all, but its not the biggest town in the server… But he already said “np a town gained by a real battle worth more than a town earned with money :3”

    And that was the end of the story. Hope u liked it πŸ˜€ Oh and now the big question: Why that subject? Two reasons: 1- “PirateBooty” is a good and not common name, and 2- it inspired me TOONS of stories; and i liked this one, so i narrated ONLY this one.

    PS: Ty pirate for letting me use ur name in this story without even asking… Ty ALOT

    Autor: the crazy stories teller, meeeh

    #42827 Score: 0

    3 pts

    hum. the freakin xbl problem, and in the faq it said i need to wait… ok… OK

    Title: If in 1.7.2 there was… SUPER MEGA GIANT CHICKEN BOSS πŸ˜€

    Lets see.

    SO, 1.7.2 is out. As an updated story teller, i got to make something bout it and NOW.
    Yes, mega giant chicken boss, harder to kill than 150 april fool’s version blue chickens. I already see an all new dungeon, like the wither boss thingy…
    This boss will have as weapon poisonous eggs, he can throw them at 50 blocks distance. A BIGBIG parkour so to go to the room where he is (kk lets say bigbig stairs :P) with some mobs on the way, like maybe pigs, cave spiders,… It drops MOB EGGS (means: pig eggs,..) πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€
    Think bout it, u ll see: its not TOO CRAP.
    Just a final point, it can be summonned with CHICKENS HEADS (chicken boss, chicken head), like the wither, but instead of soul sand maybe… lets say… IRON BLOCKS

    And that was the end of the story. This one was reeeaally short (yeah theres nothing to say about a new mob in minecraft), but AT LEAST u all understond it, right? RIGHT?!Hum. Anyways it would be pretty funny πŸ˜›

    Autor: The walking dreamer, mehhh

    #43234 Score: 0

    3 pts

    Skipper… Tisk tisk tisk 😐

    Title: Skipper mining with XRAYS on D:

    Just a mining story. Well MAYBE theres 0.0001% chances it was like this…

    SO, Skipper wanted ressources,and cause hes a hell of stupid, he bringed some xrays with him (that was a bad idea). */wild* POP spawned in a birch forest. *xraaaaayyyyyys* When he seen theres no lava under him, he said “lets go mining :D”, and STRAIGHT DOWN.
    But, hopefully, the xrays were crap and he heared a lava sound: “FEGG this D:”. He continued, but not straight down;no, with stairs. *looking with xrays* he seen DIIAAAAMMOOOONDS and other materials (like “mod” material -hey max πŸ˜‰ ) “OMG CREEEPAAAHS” bam bouf n tah everything exploded, BUT, when Skipper mine, he always wear some pro4 armor (huuuhuuuh), so the creepers suicided for nothing.
    That was GOOOOOD stuff πŸ˜› 100 diamonds, 8 stacks of redstone, 5 of lapis, 3 of emeralds, LOOOOOTS of butter and iron (and ofc NO coal). He was already dreaming of all the good things he can do now, and he got super mega giant amd expansive idea: A MELON FARM BUILT WITH BUTTER AND DIAMONDS :O or, a gigantic shop (yeah why not maybe he donate 10$ and he make it)…
    BUT, tooons of zombies and skeles appeared, they were spawning on his face, so he runned. *xraaaaaaayyyyys* “OMG A DUNGEON, A MINESHAFT AND A STRONGHOLD WITH A LIBRARY IN IT”. Hell yeah. Dime horse armors in the chests, with name tags, saddles and other crap. Skipper was soooo happy.
    *xxrraayyss* (yay double letters) more and more good stuff.
    What happend now? Honestly, in all ban appeals i ve seen, the SAME thing happen in the end: Someone appear in his face “wtf”, and he get banned.
    Ban appeal and other stuff in forums now. Yup, after the party, the cemetery.

    And that was the end of the story. Skipper, now, the big question: WHYD U DID THIS? 😐 And heres another thing: i remenber a guy called “slomerde”, who maybe didnt xrayed, but got banned for “direspecting a mod”. Guys, if u get banned for xraying and u didnt xrayed at ALL, first thing to do: dont rage. Mods are mods, not Sherlock Holmess (<— yeah we put another “s” in the plural πŸ˜‰ ), they cant know ur lucky or not. Oh and 99.99% the guy REALLY xrayed so yeah.

    Autor: the situation analyser, the anti hack unit,the psychological problem guy, the hacked, mehhhh

    #44478 Score: 0

    3 pts

    DUN DUN TUUUN. This one is short.

    Title: The egg fight

    Thats a real story, but ofc, i changed a bit the reality.

    SO, today, i was in server (yaaaaaaaaaay i started to build a melon farm) when abdo messaged me: he wanna make a EGGIE FIGHT. So i said “ok lets do this”. He tped me to his house (or farms) and started fighting.
    BUT, sooo many chickens started to spawn, so we decided to fight in Crimson guardian’s pvp arena (logic). That was EGGcellent: i was bout to kick him of the arena πŸ˜€ But he always striked back and pushed me to the border.
    At one of those strikes, he pushed me on a block, then on the wall, and i did a fall of 30 blocks with all my redstone stuff D:
    I came back in the arena, and continued fighting.
    I lagged tooons of times, we finishhed all our eggs, and abdo quitted the arena.
    I lagged at a point that when a random noobie skele appeared, he killed me. I deseperatly tried to get my redstone stuff (it should be easy but with lag…), but right when i was bout to get it, it simply got cleared D:

    And that was the end of this short story.

    Autor: The Eggman, helped by abdo the new Eggman (i hope this :D), meehh

    #44479 Score: 0


    Well Dice, nice stories.
    Poor redstone stuff, you monster :(
    They were EGGstravagant…

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