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This topic contains 90 replies, has 20 voices, and was last updated by  Skipper7478 7 years ago.

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  • #44480 Score: 0

    3 pts

    ty πŸ˜€

    #44490 Score: 0

    3 pts
    #44712 Score: 0

    3 pts

    This one is based on real human feelings πŸ˜›

    Title: How abdo saved ttram πŸ˜€

    When i seen the “DONT BAN TTRAM” thing by abdo, it imediatly inspired me.

    SO, mac just started his OWN server (dammit), and he wanted to keep playing on EC, and advertising at the same time. So he created an alt account, ttram01, came in the server and started adverstising D:
    Everyone thought it was ttram, but abdo said “WTF nonono theres something wrong”, and he joined the server to know the truth. In 34.7629 seconds (lol) he knew that it was mac…
    *screenshots everywhere* Now, cause abdo dont make things in their halves (frenchie sentence), he decided to know how ppl are going in. When he seen they were giving away diamonds, he was bout to rage…
    Hes gone afk to eat an omlet (dangit with advertising stories we cant use eggs D:), and then, reported EVERYTHING on website.
    Abdo, if u were not online at this moment, the truth could not pop out the lies.

    And that was the end of the story. That was my reply to the this:
    This story was a recap of what happend, and maybe this happend already TOOONS of time.

    Autor: i created the construction of this story, but all rights belongs to mac, ttram and abdo.

    #45010 Score: 0

    3 pts


    Title: How do XxEyeEagle19xX or something like that decided to get himself banned

    This guy has been reported during the same 10 seconds for advertising in messages and spamming. Wow.

    SO, first of all, XxEyeandsomefEGG is a NOOB. A premium noob. He watches Sky’s vid like a ” WTF how do he got that sword thats… MAGIC :O”, and he thought that 4 million subs are nothing, and that the hive is sky’s server. Because he LOVE playing on it, he decided to advertise in messages. When kevin sent ” i m reporting u”, he decided to have a good time, and started spamming: he knew he ll never come back again.
    But all this needs a flashback, to see how he discovered minecraft.
    XxEaglesandsomefEGGxX was eating an omlet (with cheesy cheese and eggie eggs), when hes cousin came. That was his 6th birthday (<— LOL). The cousin’s gift: A PREMIUM MC ACCOUNT πŸ˜€
    Then he searched “minecraft” on google. He got: ” TOP TEN PLUGINS”, “CRACKED MC CLICK HERE!!!”,… And then he saw “Cops n Robbers 5” by Skydoesminecraft. He said “WTF IS THIS” and watched the vid, like “how da fEGG do he can kill the other guys?!! And they come back in the game, even if they die :O”.
    This stupid noob thought minecraft was only cops n robbers, when he saw other vids… He searched sooo much: from 12:17 to 12:22 (lol) and he seen: “EternalCracked server review!!” and “Why the hive is fEGG” (<— i ll do a vid like this one day…). Imediatly, he raged: WTF IS THIS ETERNALCRACKED? SKY DONT EVEN PLAY ON IT IT SEGGS (<— LOL fail)!
    Without even trying to connect to the hive (wich is crap guys -i have to put the truth), he stayed one month before of knowing HOW TO ADD A SERVER and how to pick and place a dirt block (yaaay). First, he connected to the hive (wich is fEGG): giant (crappy) spawn.
    “OMG THATS AWESOME” and he disconnected to go on EC. He seen the spawn (the one with the 4 signs): “DEGG this fEGGy spawn of shEGG!”. Then, XxEyeandsomeshEGGxX thought it was THAT the game: parkouring and thats it. He didnt even knew how to use something, so yeah.
    He came back a month after this. He still dont know about minecraft, but he learned how to use something (yaay). *right click on the sign” MAAAAGIIC the world is loading. He advertises of the hive (wich is a piece of pEGG), spammed the chat and leaved.

    And that was the end of the story. Yup, thats the other face of noobs. I think the cracked users begin minecraft and they already know a bunch of different things, wich is really good; but premium users come like “Huh? DafEGG is this?! – (a pro guy) its called a sword, noob.
    -(the noob) What do noob means?”. Yeah. Ofc, i m talking generally, ofc theres some cracked noobs, or premium that know everything bout minecraft in one day… Now, this guy, XxEagleEye19xX, idk if hes a noob or not, but he looks likes.

    Autor: meehh; and ty to kevin and thegamer for the report, and XxEagleEye19xX for what he did! Ty so much guys! πŸ˜€

    #45011 Score: 0


    The Dicedead story time for kids!
    Created by Dicedead
    Narrated by Dicedead
    Starring the egg.

    #45012 Score: 0

    3 pts


    #45013 Score: 0


    When you say Egg….I think of howtobasic X_X

    #45016 Score: 0


    Dicedead’s worst nightmare —> HowToBasic

    #45614 Score: 0

    3 pts

    NEW: Ask me on skype if u want a story about u πŸ˜€

    Title: Doctor Who VS DrEggman


    SO, one day, EC players logged and seen the spawn was now a BIG BIG EGG. Before continuing, lets make a flash-back:
    U remenber guys, the “DrEggman” guy in the past stories? πŸ˜€ Well lets just say he bypassed, and got a new account “CookieDealBB” (pure coincidence if theres someone named like that :P).
    In the same time, Doctor_Who joined the server.Each time he tp, a new “Tardis” time ship (yup “time ship”, like “space ship” :P) appear, somewhere in the wilderness, and another disappear. Ofc, he could tp anywhere and everywhere, he could going back in the time so he cheat…
    Yup that was a cheater. CookieDealBB did like he was a noob, without thinking of hacking or *something* anymore. He kept affirming cookies are crafted with EGGS.
    Did i said he forgot bout hacking? DEGG this… He hacked too. The 2 guys got so admin controls, but Doctor_Who was using them for good things, and Cookie for bad stuff.
    They engaged the fight with commands. Its impossible to finish DrEggman (yay), but for Doctor_Who, u need to enter the Tardis, located somewhere in the wilderness. Not really easy to find, and Who was tping ALOT.
    SpamGuard didnt accepted more, and warned Doctor_Who of kicking if he dont stop.BUT, (DEGGit) the Tardis was now right next to Eggman D:
    Doctor_Who said: “PLEEAASE dont steal ma tardis mEGGafEGGa u r D: i leave the server and learn u how to travel in the time, but please, i NEED my fEGGing tardis D:”
    Eggman accepted, and built a EGGie spawn.
    Now, do u think Doctor_Who given up? Not really… he just logged again using “tardis02″…

    And that was the end of the story. Eggman wasnt me πŸ˜› For those saying “Who dafEGG with this Doctor_Who?”, well, search on google and u ll find πŸ˜› I did this story cause i m a real fan of it (i watched every single episode dEGGit) yay. Btw ty for the support πŸ˜€ I thought u guys dont read those mEGGafEGGing stories, but u do <3

    Autor: Meh.

    #45615 Score: 0

    #45616 Score: 0

    #45617 Score: 0

    3 pts


    #45618 Score: 0


    “eggscribe” lol

    #45743 Score: 0

    3 pts

    Dont forget guys that if u want a story bout u message me on skype :3

    Title: How do HowToBasic make his vids

    I see u guys are fan of it. And yeah. Reading this can damage the brain… As ever πŸ˜€

    SO, as an EGG obssessed (best spelling evah), well, i got to write a story about him. First, lets see what he need to make a vid:
    -Lots of eggs
    -Mexican food
    -Some other things.
    EGGxample: a pc (watch How to install GTA V its awesome :D).
    How do he makes his vid: He grab a cam and start filming his feets. Lets take at EGGxample trick or treat vid: He started recorded in the garden, and then he entered the house, and walked to the kitchen. There, he seen a baby with EGGS and…crap, and started playin drums on his leg (he love doing that). No answer from the baby. He rage, and steal everything…
    The baby cries (sound of baby whos crying), and he seem like he wanna return back everything, but he come blowing his face *ouch that hurts*, and then escape. Watch the vid to understand πŸ˜›
    Now, there comes the “after-vid”: hes editing the vid, with sounds, choosing the parts…
    Thats IT. πŸ˜€

    And that was the end of the HowToBasic Vids HowTo (lol). EGGscribe if u want πŸ˜€ Ik thats the stupidiest story ever, but, yeeeaah. It has A LITTLE SENSE XD

    Autor: memememememememememememememe

    #45748 Score: 0

    13 pts


    1.Get Fraps
    2.Open Minecraft
    3.Be Waveware


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