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This topic contains 90 replies, has 20 voices, and was last updated by  Skipper7478 7 years ago.

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  • #45789 Score: 0


    Hahaha thanks for making that story for me Dice that made me laugh a lot xD I was looking at some old topics when I saw my name in the title! Anyways your a good storyteller dice.

    #45790 Score: 0

    1 pt

    A story about a really stupid advertiser. This is a true story although some of the parts are invented.
    so one day this guy called superad101 started advertising his server everybody msged everybody saying let’s join that server and grief it πŸ˜€ so we all left and joined the server everyone was making a report straight away at the same time they were joining the server. Everybody at EC was there. Superad101 opped us all. Everyone did /v and grab TNT and flint and steal and placed it all around the server which was a giant sphere. Suddenly I deopd superad101 and banned him. He did /shutdown and the restart was advertised by broadcast before he restarted we ignites the TNT and all of a sudden the server was comepleetly gone. After restart he unbanned himself we joined and the server overloaded and crashed deleting itself(yeah double kill) and that’s how everyone at EC made a stupid advertiser pay his crime. πŸ˜€ yeah well I know its a bit lame and stuff but I’m not very good at inventing stories but I hoped you liked it ;D!!
    Author:(I’m a copy cat lol) the lamest storyteller, skipper7478.

    #45795 Score: 0


    Nice story skipper xD

    #45821 Score: 0

    3 pts

    Ty guys πŸ˜€ and yeah good stories skippah and wave :) . (Concurrency D: <— jk)

    Title:Trust me, i m an engineer!

    And thats when abdo and richard started wandering: “oh noooees…” Well no this story is about a noob at redstone who becamed a pro on it.

    SO, theres a guy called craftus, who was a street noob at everything. But, this guy learned fast, and knew everything about minecraft in one week (not as me who took 1 YEAR to know how to place a block :3). Everything? No… There was still the hard part: REDSTONE.
    At this moment, he joined the server, then he knew about the basics of redstone reeeaaaaally fast. Check his plot on australia, its crap, but it has an automated melon farm (basics).
    He’s a big fan of SethBling.
    Craftus did really awesome things in single player. I can ensure u, he did a monopoly game in 15 minutes, with the books as cards o.O
    Till now that was true story, but i cant keep up anymore…
    SO, now he did better than SethBling, and maybe better then Hypixel too πŸ˜› he was like “yeah i made giant drums with a skele playin on it. U mad bro?”. Like this, he got opped in tooons of servers, so they let him do awesome things. His favorite sentence:” Trust me, i m an engineer!”.
    One day, i decided to make a redstone competition (on skippah’s server :P). Ofc craftus came. The winner gets everything he and the other guys used as blocks and items. Now, to win, they needed to build a giant redstone thing, and it needs ro be beautiful.
    *pop pop pooooooop* (lol) BAM 5 minutes! Yeah only 5 minutes. We seen craftus making a pixel art of and… EGG πŸ˜€
    OMG he did eggs behind too! But spawn eggs… Wtf he wanna do?
    A guy called SethBling-Fan said “haha noob”, and built a giant wool block, placing some white wool in.
    *BAM* time’s up! I checked every single build and arrived to craftus’s and SethBling-Fan one. I ve checked what he did: flip the lever, and white wool appear. Beautiful. Then i checked craftus’s one: OMG that was like a flag of eggs, i just pressed the button once and it did one round of all eggs o.O then i flipped the lever: it stayed turning o.O
    Well, we (me and skipper :P) choosen craftus’s one. Parapaa.

    And that was the end of the story. As i said, half is true, the other half is not. Hope u liked it <3

    Autor:mememe, and mememe too, and mememe again.

    #46391 Score: 0

    3 pts

    Duuh. Dont read this: instead, watch in on DVD.

    Title: How a random spanish guy saved us, and the Pandora box

    MC adaptation from an episode of Doctor Who yeeaah. And, i dedicate this story to this random spanish guy -he knows himself. He just wanna stay anonymous πŸ˜›

    SO, one day, an army of hackers appeared, and started destroyin TO THE BEDROCK. Noone could stop them…
    No one? Really? No, not really. A random spanish guy in australia came on one of my plots, the one with the TARDIS! (I m soon gonna build it :3) I was like “wtf u wanna use LOTS of wool to save EC?” He answered (google translate) something in spanish. Ok. I open the doors and go in, with the other guy, and now, maaagiiiic, its getting bigger!
    Yes, now its bigger, and its changed. Not a multi level farm anymore, just the pure real tardis.
    I used google translate to message him:” Whyd u let me go in there?!”. He didnt even answered, dammit. I felt (best grammar evah) he was searching a lever somewhere, and when he found it, we started hearing a weird sound.
    But we didnt came facing of the hackers, he was tping somewhere, in Lost_London… When i opened the doors, i found myself near a giant weird house… Seems like he was friend with the guy who owns the plot. I asked him in msg, still using google translate:”wtf is that?!!”. He took a sign, and wrote on it the only single word, but amazing word:” PANDORA”.
    We came inside. He started doing adjustements, looks likes, and then, he bringed back the tardis in the pandora box.
    The random spanish guy was sometimes dissapearing, i didnt knew why, but he always came back (yay).
    So now lets resume the situtation: we are in the pandora box, with the tardis, who reduced to the size of a dog, and with hackers destroying everything.
    A broadcast appeared:”Attention please. The staff needs to wipe everything, we can’t stop those hackers.” Then, the random spanish guy started chattin, with caps on, with the broadcast. I feel like he wanted to do something really secret, a minecraft curiosity.
    Broadcast:”Attention again please. The server gonna be wiped NOW, but someone think he can save everything. Just wait.”
    *psshhhiiooon* I fount myself in gravitation near the sun! The spanish guy gived me eggs, a dime armor, and a butter sword, and he started theowing eggs on a certain area of the sun. I did same thing. The spanish guy said “GERONIMO”.
    Then, i didnt knew what happend. Seems the pandora entered hole we created on this wall of flames.
    The other guy runned in the tardis, and ofc me too. I ll not stay here, dammit. Lever actionned, everything activated and vioooouuuu. When i opened the doors, i found myself in australia, and the inside of the TARDIS was now a multi level farm again.
    No more hackers? Lol?

    And that was the end of the story. Hope u like it <3 Btw i didnt meant anything by “random spanish guy”. Just as i said in the beggining, i did this for a spanish player who wanna stay anonymous, so yeah. More anonymous than that, not possible. And no its not skippah :3

    Autor: Matt Smith, adapted to MC by me πŸ˜›

    #46398 Score: 0

    3 pts

    Huuuuhh now i get it deas…

    #46687 Score: 0

    13 pts

    A recently released music video on YouTube is not all that it appears to be. I will tell you why.
    La La La by Naughty Boy ft Sam Smith is based on an old Bolivian Tale dating back to the early 1940’s. This is what the legend states.

    In Bolivia, during the 1800’s, there once was a young boy who had an abusive step father. They lived in the town of Carana, in a small inn.

    The boy was deaf and continually beaten by his stepfather every weekend, almost ritualistically. Eventually he ran away from home. His stepfather left him for dead, not even bothering to go after him.

    Alone on the streets one night, he found a stray dog. It kept him company on many long nights alone.

    Emotionally tortured, he did not know where he was going. He discovered, a month after he ran away, that he had a special talent. He could hear negative emotion in the world. That is to say, if something were going wrong in a particular place, he could find it and hopefully stop it.

    There was an old man by the village fountain being tormented by children who threw rocks at him from the nearby quarry until he was completely white with dust and grit. It was a custom in the village. The other elders laughed at him along with the children, glad that it wasn’t them. Not only were they happy, they chanted, danced and played instuments around him.

    The young boy screamed. Even though he was only eight, legends tell that his scream sounded like an earthquake crossed with a hurricane. He was screaming out his very soul; his very essence. Every other villager fled apart from the old man. He approached the child and thanked him.

    (According to a historian on Bolivian mythos, some versions of this story state that the man was beaten until he bled out. The child approached him and somehow managed to restart his very heart.)

    In both versions of the story, the man accompanied the boy on his travels.

    The boy and the man came across another man, knocked over by a horsecart by some rich gentry, lords and nobles from the town over. He had been run down on purpose.

    The man with the disfigured face was a local celebrity. They say his face had been struck by lightning and a large growth had burst out of his forehead like an elephant’s trunk. Again, the boy screamed until only the elephant-faced man was left.

    But this elephant man was unusual. He claimed to be a prophet for a long gone religious sect. The sect worshipped a horrifying deity. A goat with human features. A strange otherworldly being known by many names.

    He had turned his back on the cult. As a result, the evil monster cursed him.

    He told them off a place, and offered to show it to them in person. The elephant man, the child, the old man and the dog all set off for his lair.

    His lair was in the middle of a desert, near an abandoned town rumoured to be full of people who had simply gone mad and murdered each other in the dead of night. One day they were happy folks, well-adjusted and normal. The next they were beheading their neighbors, engaging in sex with each other in the middle of the town and eating their own children. It was said that he sat in a cave and just whispered evil into the world. Pure evil.

    This being the source of every negative emotion in the world, every impure thought, every desire to murder or hurt…. This whispers were audible near the cave entrance. The old man and elephant man did not wish to venture forward. They could not understand the language that the Devil was speaking in, but it sounded archaic. A language lost to the ages. Still, it made the hairs on their necks stand up as if they were being told of horrific acts. As if secrets about the nature of man were being revealed to them in a way that I, nor the myth itself, can properly explain. Even the dog did not want to go inside. The old man started to retch, but it was all too late and vomit splattered all over the sand floor outside the cavern. A laugh came from inside.

    The two men said their goodbyes to the boy and left, hugging him and holding him tightly.

    The boy walked inside.

    It is presumed that the boy is still inside, for loud yelling can be heard whenever you venture near enough to the cave.

    However, as of April 18th, the yelling stopped.

    This was when the video was released.

    It alludes to every facet of the myth, including a particularly interesting snippet at 2:34.

    What is interesting though, is the fact that I have searched for several days. I have checked Yahoo, Bing, Google… everything.


    EDIT: Hey guys I hope you like this little conspiracy on the video, I hope this will tickle your fancy!

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 3 months ago by  Waveware.
    #46691 Score: 0


    (Chapter 70 of a fake story time period 1206 when kings and sir and pod bob stuff like that) noo nhu dies :( me bongo and deasertman are sad as we run away from the mobs we tell lord omega to prepare for war on epicmans hacking team, he calls sirpiemaster to train the battle school apprentices (I am a ranger I’m Hablamans apprentice with my friend who is his 2nd apprentice junglenoob53 we are riding to epicmans hacker area then a gang of skeletons and hackers approch us then one jumps at me junglenoob and bongo then……….

    #46693 Score: 0

    13 pts

    Bongo pulls out the counter-ddos! Bongo slashed through the gang like a master parivir. Hard coded binary flew out of the bodies of the hackers as he continues to slash wildly through the hoard without showing any fear.

    #47778 Score: 0

    3 pts

    ^ lol

    Title: HG with eggs

    Wrote at 6:32 am, featuring the HG bosses Snake257, Camoflage13, dragonvaleaddict and FieryAnubis, and the “notbossesbutgood” AgentLOL, SlimeHunter, MinecraftLantern and *you, yeah, the awesome guy whos reading this story*.

    SO, one day, four bosses at HG met in an arena, with four other players, in arena 3 (the one with the BIG pyramid, the village AND THE HOLES): It was *the names above*. Let’s see what happened before the game begins.
    The 4 bosses at HG teamed immediatly (ik this is never gonna happen), and the 4 others, after a pretty long debate, too. *vooooottteeeeessss* 20 seconds to go!!
    *BIP* the game begins. As usual, the grace period is finished and noone is ready. The 2 teams ran into opposite directions: the notbosses team to the jungle, and the bosses team to the village.
    In the jungle, there are not that many chests, but there are a lot of chickens. AgentLOL started killing them for food, but *you* got an idea and collected all the eggs. Ofc *you* couldnt reveal this for your team, because /msg is not allowed.
    In the village, there are TOOOOONS of chests: They all got a full iron armor, with an iron sword, some budder apples and FOOD. Camo even managed to get melon blocks…
    *you* gave for each one of his team some eggs. They started wondering why. Then, the team splitted in 2, looking for chests.
    MinecraftLantern and *you* got leather armors. They colored it in red. AgentLOL and (his bro) SlimeHunter got a budder armors.
    “Meet at spawn!” pronounced by *you*. The 2 teams ran back to the spawn. *you* got a smile behind his PC: the bosses team was arriving behind the pyramid. When fiery appeared, *you*’s team was about to escape, letting him alone VS those killers, but when *you* shooted an egg, they understond the tactic: TO THE HOLES!
    The whole bosses team was down in the holes. “Victory is us πŸ˜€ :D” started clapping AgentLOL! “We’re the WWE champions! :D” (wtf) announced MinecraftLantern!
    Camo was raging. Beatten by 4 guys with eggs?! NO. He remenbered he had melon blocks, wich can be used and placed. He ate a budder apple and popped out the hole. He smashed AgentLOL and MinecraftLantern IN THEIR BUTTS YOOLOO. Remains *you* and SlimeHunter. Ofc no difference. He started laughing like heck, and then he killed his team-mates (they asked to).

    And that was the end of the story. It’s been a while I didn’t played HG, gosh… I forgot how are the arenas 😐 Maybe now I mixed the first and the third arena, idk…

    Autor: the retarded story teller, mehh

    #49423 Score: 0

    3 pts

    Everybody must love skippah’s new pic πŸ˜€

    Title: Ten on an island!

    A small story about nothing and friendship. Warning: Bets soellimg evah πŸ˜‰

    SO, one day,10 new players joined survival in the same minute. They beginned each playing solo. 3 joined a town, 3 stayed in wilderness, and 3 others watched pvp. The last one chatted.
    One time, they all got invited in a certain town. Town? Well no. That was just a really small island in the ocean. The one who was chatting wanted this island, for himself, not sharing it with the others…
    1 month later, the island is now pretty big. Everyone had his own house; they even managed to build a big melon farm.
    The one who chatted first he joined said:”GTFO ALL OF MA ISLAND”, and showed his GS and Pro4 gear. The 9 others took budder or iron gear, except one of those who joined a town: This one known about a MC secret that makes a wooden sword way more powerful than a dime sword (thanks tyyalex :D), and the same thing for leather armor…
    *Engage the fight* Actionly, all butter + iron died. In 10 seconds. The guy said:”U!!YEAH U, B****,GTFO OF HERE!”. The other guy said:”no.” Answer:”REALLY?” Reply:”Yeah really.”.
    *Engage the fight* #LooongFigghht. But as you maybe know guys, the leather armored one won. The other was like:”NNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOO U S**KKK”. The 8 guys came back at the island, and yeah.

    And that was the end of the story. I told you it’s about nothing πŸ˜›

    Autor: SomeRetartedGuyCalledDrWhoHere

    #52807 Score: 0

    1 pt

    Just a spoiler of my Christmas story πŸ˜€
    Title: A christmas mystery.
    A Christmas Mystery
    Chapter 1
    It was Christmas Eve in London. Two men called Lewis and Ronald were walking down the streets. There was no one there, it wasn’t strange because, well, it was Christmas Eve. Lewis and Ronald and his family already had Christmas Eve dinner, it was 3 o’ clock in the morning, they’re wasn’t any light but the candles on the street. They were looking at the houses, you could distinguish a house from all of them, the door was open, they looked inside but they couldn’t see anything because it was too dark inside. -Lets go inside to take a look- Said Ronald. -I don’t think it’s a good idea, it’s very late and dark. I think we should go back home and forget about this house.- Replied Lewis. Ronald ignored what Lewis said and went inside. -Oh for goodness sake theres nothing here it’s just an abandoned house. Hey! Maybe theres something useful or valuable in this house, lets see!- Shouted Ronald. Lewis didn’t seem very happy of Ronald’s idea, but he went inside anyway. There wasn’t anything in that house, only darkness and dust. – This is a rubbish pit, lets go – Said Ronald. Lewis was very happy to hear this and ran to the door, but it was looked, they were trapped inside that dark and dusty house. – The door is locked Ronald!!! We’re trapped!! – Cried Lewis. Lewis found a piece of paper with the text “If you go in, you never come out” Lewis and Ronald were very scared and thought they would never get out of that place. – We got to get out of here no matter what, doesn’t matter how many pieces of paper we find. We have to get out of here. – Said Lewis. They both walked around the house, they didn’t find anyway they could get out, all the doors and windows were locked. But they found something that may get them out, the basement. They went down to the basement, they were shocked, the basement was full of candles, it was the only room in that house with light. The basement was full of boxes and old things, they walked around for a while and they found another piece of paper, but this time with a different text… “You think you are smart, huh?” Lewis didn’t all those pieces of paper everywhere, it just made his hope of getting out of that dump. They couldn’t hear anything else but the sound water dripping of a broken drain. Suddenly they heard the sound of old wood crunching. After that they heard nothing, they were both very scared, they didn’t know what to do. Then they heard a very soft voice – If you come in, you never get out-

    Tell me what think about it so far πŸ˜€


    #88877 Score: 0

    1 pt

    much old, very post, many stories wow

    #138169 Score: 0

    1 pt

    this is amazing

    #138197 Score: 0

    F in the chat for Kobe
    4 pts

    What the fuck?

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