Get something straight!
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This topic contains 10 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by FarmerK 11 years ago.
Ive been recently seeing a lot of mod applications getting denied because they can do things they said in their mod app(e.g: helping, reporting playes etc) WITHOUT being a mod. So i start to wonder what are good reasons of getting a chance to become a mod? I already red the mod ranks info (located here ), and all of them is used at some point in someones mod app.
Example: “Has to warn anyone who breaks the rules, or address higher ranked mods if they can’t handle it.” – quoted DIRECTLY from the page. This gets used in a mod app but someone says you can do that without being a mod.
Example 2: “Has to know every single command in game for players and donors.” – Again quoted DIRECTLY from the page. This gets used in some mod apps and yet again it gets denied.
If none of the page’s information is useful because it always gets denied then what’s the point of making a mod app? Also if someone did put literally EVERYTHING from the page into their mod app it often gets denied for one tiny little thing that the mod app creator can stop. So to sum it up please do something about it or make a suggestion or comment about this fact! thanks
– FarmerK
(angry face)
This topic was modified 11 years, 1 month ago by
FarmerK. Reason: Added more info
Quoting something directly from the page shows that they are not willing to make effort to create something unique. Though it dosent say you cant do that, you really should be creating a new reason. Also, saying that everyone uses those reasons in there mod apps. is false. I myself have seen tons of mod apps using something different. Also realize this: Its the mods final decision to accept/deny it so criticizing them wont help.
This reply was modified 11 years, 1 month ago by
@Xavier3479 Then tell me what is the page for? To admire at? No. To follow from. Creating new reasons is optional but not required. If the page said ‘Creating new reasons will get you a bigger chance of getting a mod’ then it will support your statement. if you think that creating new reasons is good, then put it on the page. Also im pretty sure i said SOME mod apps not EVERYONE (i apologise if i did say everyone). I’ve seen tons of mod apps using somthing different too but thats escaping the whole point of my post. What i’m trying to say is why deny the app when it follows the page description and what are the possible solutions to this problem! I know its the mods final decision but im saying this just to let people know its sort of an issue to new trial mod people.
ps: its easy for you to say Xavier3479 . Your a mod so you dont realise this fact. (i think your a mod atleast)
Mod applications are useful for recruiters so they are aware who is shooting for mod. There are some great players who dont make a mod app and we assume they dont want to be mods. Mod apps are also useful to see if the community accepts the player and share their support or provide insight on the applicant. Some players get too carried over with the template and stuff, but ultimately its up to the recruiters to keep the mod team positions filled. As a rule of thumb, if you want to be a mod you should stand out in the community by being helpful to other players, active in-game and in forums, this has to come to you naturally. Even if your application gets denied, you should still do it if you are a natural, eventually a recruiter will notice you and will approach you.
Borncorp has spoken WOAAHHHHH!!!! lol but yea it’s about how they put it there. They need to put effort into their moderator applications not just state stuff that they have read. (Mortacai and Rigby style)
Well all that individual is doing is copying what the requirements are and providing no extra detail on their reason they want to become a mod. You are expected to already know that info (commands,crafting recipes,etc.) so why tell?
The fact that a mod is telling you that info means he’s more knowledgeable, especially when that player has been on the server for over a year. So what Xavier is telling you should be more valuable then what others say (because again, he’s a mod).
The things at the mod ranks page are just requirements. If you meet all the requirements,you have a bigger chance of becoming a mod. “Wanting to help” and “knowing all commands” aren’t really good reasons because most people want to help players and a good amount of them knows all commands so it just doesn’t make you that different.
First, if someone uses “I want to help” or Something like that we don’t deny app because if it. There is always something bigger reason to deny it.
Both examples you had aren’t really a reason to become mod. Both start with “HAS TO” that’s what members must know/do to become mod. And you can do both of them even while being member.People saying they want to be mod to “help the server” may really mean it. But you need to be more specific. Just saying I want to help without having anything to back it up is pointless. Be more specific like “I want to control chat” or “catch xrayers”. These are more specific ways of helping.
BORNCORP HAS SPOKEN! This topic can now be closed. Thank you everyone for participating in my experiment. What was that? You didn’t know this was a experiment? Well it was. I was just testing you fellow minecrafters about a random topic and i wanted to see what your response was. Most of you going against my ‘opinion’ did the right thing. Although i may have made some ‘reasonable’ arguments all of you responded fairly and correctly. I congratulate you! On the other hand, This did show people who wanted to be mod a very good idea of what to do. We may encounter some very good mod apps thanks to this rather important topic. Anyway Thanks for all participants.
Bringing the EC community together.
hehe(fails at laughing)
Why no one laughing with meh? (Looks around) hehe………………..
This topic was modified 11 years, 1 month ago by
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