Giveing You a Warning


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This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  2Federal 10 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #84505 Score: 0

    12 pts

    Like I said giving you a warning ^.Yes as some of you may know a event call OreParty is comeing up this Nov15th, I did this because some of you guys don’t know about ore party or what it is and! to make you guys stop asking me for money 😛 so this is how oreparty works! Note: I will give you tips 😉

    1)Get OP picks Only get one! because last time some guy name Trollson made all of us lose our OP picks so just get one not two…

    2)Ummm Ummm…. wtf…Ummmm… (20Years later) Ummmm… damit i forgot! Ummmmm Oh yea! make sure you be there on time they don’t give out a time its just comes out so if i was you! i’ll stay up all night……

    3) I don’t know help me out guys Ummmm…. get your own food…(This guy don’t know what to say…) Ummmm…. Well umm…

    4)…If you cant make it tom/jttt3 will give you 1m 😉

    No really guys its just minein OP ores for 5mins then done!

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