Glitch banned on factions?


Home Forums Factions Ban Appeal Glitch banned on factions?

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  maxminoS 9 years, 11 months ago.

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  • Author
  • #98827 Score: 0

    20 pts

    In-game name: AnderZENZ

    Why you have been banned: It is a glitch I assume

    Who banned you: Don’t know

    When were you were banned: Some time in the past hour

    Why you should be unbanned: Like I said above, I do believe it’s a glitch ban, because the only ban I was given was 24 hours, and it expired already, I know because I was just on factions a little while ago, hope mods fix this thanks a lot! 😀

    Screenshot of the ban message (To show it is probly glitch ban): Another reason I think it’s glitched is because it doesn’t have an actual reason, just says “Appeal at!” Well that’s what I’m here for. It it also in “&4Banned:” which usually happens of “Ban Hammer” glitches. Thanks for reading hope this gets fixed, and I hope it’s not a legit ban, because just ramping it up to perm ban is unfair, since I didn’t even log on for 5 mins after the ban expired. Anyways thanks for reading :)

    #98828 Score: 0

    7 pts

    Dealt With.

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