Glitch report on Survival!


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This topic contains 6 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  grewdoxa 10 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #68703 Score: 0


    Ok so I’m the owner of a wonderful town called IslandParadise. I noticed this before but didn’t think much of it until I noticed it on the smaller plots. What’s happening is the plots are going up for sale in the wrong spots! His plot hangs over 2 rows on 1 side and is 2 rows short on the other side. Here’s screenshots of the glitch! Click the image to see the second image. The black powder stuff is showing the boarder because of the boarder command.

    #68704 Score: 0

    ‎牧野 つくし

    The street/road is the issue. Notice the two blocks on the edge?

    #68705 Score: 0

    14 pts

    This is not a glitch. It’s actually you who messed up on the plots.

    A plot is 16 by 16. You can do /towny map or do /plot forsale 0 and find the cornors of this plot.

    You have to make these things based of a 16 by 16.

    #68708 Score: 0

    16 pts

    You can also do F3 to see the chunk boundaries on the x and z axis. 0,0 is one corner, and 15,15 is one corner.

    Anyway, to make a street, either you have move one over and put a street there, or remove one of the slab things, and put a street on there.

    #68709 Score: 0


    This is not a glitch. Its from improperly set up plots. Try using /res set mode plotborder or f3 to find the boundries.

    #68733 Score: 0


    One plot is 16×16 , You messed up cause’ of road/street. Lol

    #68759 Score: 0

    This reply has been marked as private.
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