Goodbye borncorp I'll miss you !


Home Forums Global Off topic Goodbye borncorp I'll miss you !

This topic contains 3 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  AnderZENZ 10 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #94166 Score: 0


    Hi borncorp since you are leaving the server unfortunately I wanted to say goodbye, for the past 3 years I’ve loved playing your server you always made the right decisions with any problem someone had and you will help anybody no matter what and you made one awesome server it was first just survival and creative then you made a cool choice to make prison and factions and mini games and you made the server for everyone to enjoy and everytime I log on there are aleast 100 people on or over everyday so you made over 100 people a minecraft home where there is so much to do Thanks for being a great owner I hope the person you pick will be just as good as you -bluefox102

    (Sorry if it doesn’t make scence I wrote it on my phone)

    #94193 Score: 0


    Same we are all love u Goodbye D,:

    #94194 Score: 0

    1 pt

    Born may be leaving, but he is far from forgotten, he shaped ec for the community we are now, no one can take that away from him

    we are very grateful to have born as an owner for 3 strong years, and we plan to be strong for the next 3 to come!

    #94197 Score: 0

    20 pts

    Somewhat related: Last night I had a crazy dream that Ethanowens became owner and then he ranked himself up to Free+ in prison xD

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