Goodbye, Or Increased Inactivity???


Home Forums Global Off topic Goodbye, Or Increased Inactivity???

This topic contains 119 replies, has 22 voices, and was last updated by  Trevish 9 years, 5 months ago.

Viewing 15 posts - 61 through 75 (of 120 total)
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  • #114993 Score: 0


    As for programming, is it Java, C++ or others? I can only help you with basic C++

    #114997 Score: 0


    But i needed the pseudocode ones
    But dw
    I Found a website for notes

    #115083 Score: 0


    Jia, it doesnt need to be A to F, a to f is also fine, also its obviously pluto, the caption spoiled it…

    Good Early Quarter Espeon o’ Clock People!

    #115088 Score: 0


    Melee why are u still on?

    #116028 Score: 0


    Physics SPA 3: ‘Plan an experiment on how the temperature of water affects the bending of light’

    Chemistry SPA 3: ‘Plan an experiment on how to find out which acid – x, y or z – is the strongest’

    2 National Exams down, 15 school exams and 17 national exams left…

    Schedule will be posted in the near future…

    #116444 Score: 0

    #116810 Score: 0


    Yet Another Bump

    #117281 Score: 0


    When is Prelim Schedule coming -.-?

    #117290 Score: 0


    Melee why are u still on?
    -jwidja 2015

    Go study.

    #117293 Score: 0


    Cant I Enjoy my Jubilee Weekend?

    #117988 Score: 0


    Still waiting for my prelim schedule…

    Reminder: English Oral Examination will be held on Day 1, Thursday, 13th August 2015, 2.30pm to 6pm, UTC+8

    I wont be online this week (weekdays only)

    #118150 Score: 0


    Please Ignore This Message. Thank You!

    #118151 Score: 0


    I apologise for the incomplete photograph…

    School name is censored for privacy purposes

    View post on

    #118281 Score: 0


    Apologies for replying before 24 hours -.-

    *This is also an unintended bump*

    Stressful English Oral Exam just ended, but better than expected…

    Theme: Sports

    Question 1: Would you like to play in an engaging sport like hockey? Why or why not?

    Question 2: What would you do if you are on the losing end?

    Question 3: How far do you think that winning is everything?

    30 exams left…

    Finalised Schedule (All are in UTC+8):

    Prelim Dates:

    28th August 2015:

    English Language Paper 1, 8.00am-10.15am

    Combined Humanities (Social Studies), 10.50am-1.00pm

    31st August 2015:

    E Maths Paper 1, 8.00am-10.30am

    Combined Humanities (Geography), 10.50am-12.55pm

    1st September 2015:

    E Maths Paper 2, 8.00am-11.10am

    Pure Biology Paper 2, 11.15am-1.25pm

    2nd September 2015:

    Pure Chemistry Paper 2, 8.00am-10.10am

    15th September 2015:

    English Language Paper 2, 8.00am-10.15am

    Pure Biology Paper 1, 10.50am-12.05pm

    16th September 2015:

    English Language Paper 3, 8.00am-8.45am

    A Maths Paper 1, 11.15am-1.45am

    17th September 2015:

    Pure Physics Paper 2, 8.00am-10.10am

    Pure Physics Paper 1, 10.45am-12.00pm

    18th September 2015:

    Pure Chemistry Paper 1, 8.00am-9.15am

    A Maths Paper 2, 9.50am-1.00pm

    National Exam Dates:

    19th October 2015:

    E Maths Paper 1, 2.30pm-5.00pm

    20th October 2015:

    English Language Paper 1, 1.30pm-3.45pm

    English Language Paper 2, 4.05pm-6.20pm

    21st October 2015:

    English Language Paper 3, 2.30pm-3.15pm

    22nd October 2015:

    E Maths Paper 2, 2.30pm-5.40pm

    23rd October 2015:

    A Maths Paper 1, 2.30pm-5.00pm

    26th October 2015:

    A Maths Paper 2, 8.00am-11.10am

    Pure Chemistry Paper 2, 2.00pm-4.10pm

    27th October 2015:

    Combined Humanities (Geography), 2.00pm-4.05pm

    28th October 2015:

    Pure Physics Paper 2, 2.00pm-4.10pm

    30th October 2015:

    Combined Humanities (Social Studies), 8.00am-10.10am

    Pure Biology Paper 2, 2.30pm-4.40pm

    5th November 2015:

    Pure Physics Paper 1, 2.00pm-3.15pm

    12th November 2015:

    Pure Chemistry Paper 1, 8.00am-9.15am

    13th November 2015:

    Pure Biology Paper 1, 8.00am-9.15am

    #118525 Score: 0


    Another bump again

Viewing 15 posts - 61 through 75 (of 120 total)

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